What was interesting to watch was how all four of them went in unison to just stare at the price list for a long time totally ignoring everything else and how they come back into reality at the same time, as if all of them were suck into some kind of vortex and return.
Look around you and observe this phenomena is now quite common, people are easily sucked into some form of energy and they don't even realize it. Sometimes when we concentrate at something our peripheral vision close down and becomes a narrow vision, when this happen with a group of people you will observed a scene like the above. Beware this has a powerful effect and could easily suck in many people.
Mass consciousness is a powerful energy and this is an example of it, we are affected by various kinds of mass consciousness all the time and this has a detrimental effect on us even if we do not acknowledge it
Dear One,
Actually, more people are awakening now, if you look at what is happening around you compared to about 10 years ago. Each one of you have a purpose and perhaps more than one spiritual mission on this planet earth. To some it may be very clear while others are still figuring out. At the recent ATIH I attended in Sedona, Arizona, Drunvalo Melchizedek said that everyone in the workshop is a vanguard, which means that we have responsibilities to fulfil. Eventually when more people are awakened, the collective human consciousness of planet Earth will change for the better too. So we have to press on to do our part. Thank you & Namaste!
What Triggers the Awakening Process?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
For many people, we have awakened at specific points in our lives in order to help facilitate the awakening process with others, but what events helped to trigger this awakening?
Your Path Has Always Led You Here
Every second, we are making choices that help to determine what future paths we’ll be taking. Regardless of which choice we make, we will always find another fork in the road ahead of us with more decisions to make. Each time you choose a new path, more options become available, but all options will inevitably lead you back to the original soul contract that you agreed to before you incarnated to this planet.
Through your higher self and spirit guides, you rely on your intuition and discernment to help you make these decisions. While at times it seems like we made a few bad decisions in life, none of these choices were a mistake, including any bad relationships we had with others or any other negative event in our lives. Each one of these events has led you to who you are today and will continue to guide you on your life path. The key is to not only learn from these relationships and events, but to forgive yourself and others for any negative feelings that may still remain. This is how your spirit grows.
Some People Just “Get It” Without Being Spiritual
We all know someone who may not be spiritual but just “gets it”. These people tend to have a great compassion for all forms of life and are generally very optimistic people. For example, they may be completely living “The Secret” without having any clue about what the Law of Attraction is. Or, they might not ever seem to take love for granted as they are the first to tell their friends and families, “I love you”. While love is the greatest force on the planet, those who “get it” without knowing it are the unknown soldiers of the awakening process and are influencing more people than they could ever imagine, just by being themselves.
What Triggers the Awakening Process?
For many people, a specific event, video, book or movie led to their awakening process. In many cases, the awakening process began with truth seeking.
Initially as a truth seeker, you may feel upset with how those in power are seemingly working against the best interests of humanity all in the name of greed, power, control and money. You have a strong desire for justice and fairness for everyone, yet you may have an inner desire to see harm come to those who have inflicted injury and death upon others.
For example, while many people know and accept who the “real terrorists” are that caused 9/11, they should all be held accountable but not killed, even though they are responsible for the deaths of thousands of people along with loss of civil liberties for hundreds of millions of people. There is NEVER a good reason to kill anyone and that includes mass murderers, rapists and child abusers. Ultimately, the lesson to be learned is compassion and love for everyone. This doesn’t mean that those who are guilty of crimes against humanity should be let free. They could be used as labor in the rehabilitation of Mother Earth in helping to restore the things that they have deliberately tried to destroy. While the extermination of these people may seem gratifying to some, the act of killing someone would make us no better than them. How would be evolving spiritually if this were the case?
In time, you are still truth seeking but you are also starting to understand how tyranny and oppression are leading to a greater awakening of people. You still may feel irritated by those in power who continue to work against the best interests of humanity but you are starting to gain a greater feeling of an overall awakening of society.
As we move deeper into the awakening process, we gain a compassion for all lives, as shown with the example of those who are guilty of crimes against humanity. At this point in our spiritual journeys, we are able to read virtually any news headline and are able to see the greater good in how anything negative will lead to the exposing of those who are guilty of crimes against humanity. Please keep in mind that we are entering the Age of Aquarius, where those who are negative will inevitably be exposed for their crimes. We are also in a astrological period where Pluto is in Capricorn until 2023. The last time this astrological event occurred was during the 1776 American Revolution. Pluto always brings about change and the change will be for the greater good!
This will also involve the exposing of those who are corrupt, including politicians, world leaders, banksters, government agencies and religion. When this occurs (and it’s already occurring), please remember to be compassionate. We are currently in the midst of a peaceful global revolution and not one bullet needs to be fired.
Some People Are Born Awakened
Some people innately know why they are here and what their purpose is. Others were born awakened but needed to follow a specific path until the veil was completely lifted, which may have been many years down the road. For these people, introspect can provide this assurance.
For example, I innately knew there was something “not right” about religion when I was attending Sunday school. This isn’t a knock against anyone who is religious, but for my own spiritual path, I was being led to a greater truth. Many religious zealots aren’t ready for this truth and I respect that, but this was my initial awakening event, even though I had no clue as to why I felt this way at such a young age.
Around the age of 11, I ordered a book on black magic because I was interested in astral projection. While I was still doing all of the pre-teen stuff boys do such as skateboarding, baseball, football, etc…, my higher self was already communicating with me and I was listening. While I never learned how to astral project with that particular book, it opened my eyes to a metaphysical world that is much greater than what we can perceive with our 5 senses. As an artist and musician, I was already using my right hemisphere of the brain which helped to reinforce this new perspective.
Paranormal Experiences
Those who had near death experiences (NDE’s) can attest to the afterlife and our all-loving creator. Many come back with a similar message: Love everyone and don’t take life so seriously.
Many of them were just “regular people” before their NDE’s but now have a new perspective on life. When multiple NDE’s share very similar experiences, it gives credence to what we can expect in the afterlife andproves that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Other people may have seen UFO’s or ghosts which can also change their perspective on life and may lead to their awakening.
One of the questions I like to ask people is this: If a UFO landed in your backyard, do you think the extraterrestrial would have a bible and money?
“How do I know if I’m awakened?”
I’ve often been asked, “How do I know if I’m awakened?” If you are already seeking the truth or have been led into the metaphysical field, then your awakening has begun. In a poll that I ran on in5d Connection, the majority of people stated they awakened more than 10 years ago. In 2nd place was the year 2009, which in numerology equals 11 by no coincidence.
Volunteer Souls
The majority of those who have awakened most likely fall into one of Dolores Cannon’s Waves of Volunteer Souls. Cannon was told by the ET’s during her client’s past life regressions about the waves of volunteer souls who incarnated to this planet because they “heard the call that Earth was in trouble” and volunteered to come here to help raise the Earth’s vibrations.
Many of these volunteer souls lead quiet lives, don’t have any children and never got married because they did not want to accrue any possible karmic debt.
The First Wave of volunteer souls were born in the 1950s and 1960s. These are the wayshowers who paved the way for the next two waves. The Second Wave was born in the 1970s and 1980s and the Third Wave was born from the 1990s through the present and are commonly known as Indigo Children.
For some of these volunteer souls, all they really need to do is exist because their energy is enough to change the world, although they may still feel the need to do something more in this awakening process. Some may not appear to be spiritually awakened but as mentioned above, all they need to do is just be themselves because their light and energy is contributing in a massive way in the awakening process.
Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.