The principle of Mentalism states:
The universe is a mental creation of the All, or God. Now we run into the great problem with this principle: it is generally misunderstood by most people. Does it mean that we are a dream of some infinite entity so far removed from us that we may never hope to gather a glimmer of understanding of the nature of God, and therefore ourselves?
Are we powerless robots of some omnipotent lab scientist? Not so. Just as the character in a novel is a creation of the novelist and is, therefore, an aspect of the novelist, so are we and everything else in the universe a part of the Creator. We are aspects of the totality of Creation. As we are relative to God, so is our universe relative to us. Your world is very real and very much yours. But it may not be my world at all, for in the relative sense, my world is a mental creation of my mind, just as yours is of your mind.
We are, each one of us, characters in a universal, spiritual novel. You might say that you are the leading character in your book while I am the leading character in mine. Everyone is the leading character in their own novels.
This principle can lead to a better understanding of our own minds and how they work. Mental power works because the universe is mental. All things are seen from the relative position of your mind and what you think you see. You may think you see a tree, whereas a squirrel thinks it sees a home. Your friend may think that a Picasso is a fine wall decoration and you may think that it’s a great investment. You may see a situation as a problem and your spouse may think that it’s a challenge and see the solution. Of course, everyone is correct for what you think you see, you do indeed see. Remember these words: Attitude is everything. Your world is screened through your attitude as is everyone else’s.
The mind can control forces and events outside oneself. This is a fact only because the world we see is our own mental creation; that being so, if we created it, we can recreate it. You only have to understand that within the confines of your life novel, you can learn to use your mind to change and to control your reality; your world.
The Second Principle is the Principle of Correspondence.
The principle of Correspondence states, “As above, so below; as below, so above.”
As it is on the physical plane, so it is on the mental plane, as it is on the mental plane, so it is on the spiritual. To understand the mental, study the physical. To better understand the spiritual plane, study the mental. When your brain waves are beating at forty cycles per second your emotional experience is one of extreme agitation; slow down those brain waves and emotions and a relaxed, stressless state comes onto your scene. Just as the universe is a mental creation of God, so is your personal world your own mental creation.
Understanding this principle will help you to unlock many emotions both positive and negative. It also helps you to tackle any problem area that has a range of manifestations. By dealing first with the easier, less intense manifestation of your problem, you will be solving, in some measure the same problem in its most extreme. There are many ways the principle of correspondence applies to your everyday life. Solve the small and you unblock the large.
The Third Principle is that of Vibrations.
The principle of Vibrations states: All things are in constant and never-ending motion. Energy is a manifestation of the principle of vibrations.
A change in the vibration causes a change in the manifestation. Health has a vibration. Illness has a vibration. Success has a vibration and failure has a vibration. Color has a vibration; as example the color green’s wave length is approximately 5,000 angstrom units or wavelengths; the color red is 6,000. It is possible to use the vibrations of color to heal if the healer is aware of the vibratory notes of color.
By changing the vibration you change the manifestation. Water at a high vibration is steam. Water at a low vibration is ice. But water, ice, and steam are the same, differing only in the vibratory note, which causes the change in the manifestation.
Perhaps it is easier to understand with respect to the vibrations of music. The first note on the musical scale is A. On the piano, the A just above middle C vibrates at the rate of 880 cycles per second (if the piano is properly tuned.) Therefore 880 CPS represents A. Every single time. If you had a guitar and loosened the A string so that it vibrated at 870 cycles per second, the sound would be a bit off. A fine ear would say that it’s flat. The A, you might say, would have a slight cold; it would be a bit ill.
Loosen the A string still more so that it vibrates at 860 CPS and it would be way off. Even if you do not know an A from a G, you would know that it doesn’t sound right. The A is now very ill; metaphorically speaking it has pneumonia. Loosen the string more and the A is no longer recognizable; it died. But not to worry, it’s easy to resurrect an A. You simply tighten up the string.
As above, so below; as below, so above. As it is with a guitar string, so it is with your body. When you are ill, your vibrations are off. Adjust the vibrations to the proper level and a healing takes place. That’s what healers do, raise the energy level (the vibrations) to health and transmit that to the person with the problem.
The Fourth Principle is Polarity.
The principle of Polarity states: All things are dual. Everything has its opposite. Opposites are the same, differing only by degree.
Tall and short are the same. There are tall little people and there are short basketball players.
There is no such thing as tall or short, only as it is relative to you.
Hot and cold are the same, as seen in the principle of vibration. A hundred degrees Fahrenheit may be hot when you are outside and that is the temperature of the weather but cold if that is the temperature of your oven and you are cooking a turkey all you could hope for with a hundred degrees would be a warm, raw bird.
We use polarity to control attitude; to swing from dislike to like, from fear to faith, from hate to love. Polarity helps us to go from guilt to self-forgiveness, and from anger to forgiveness to others.
We use this principle frequently to shed light on the meaning of words like love, fear, and anger, defining the word by examining its opposite. Take the word fear, for instance. What is it? A negative, certainly. But a negative what? If you were to draw a scale of polarity with a negative on one end and a positive on the other, you would place fear on the negative side. After some thought you would conclude that it was an expectation. Keeping within the nature of the word, you would place expectation on the negative end and also on the positive side.
Fear is a negative expectation; you are expecting something bad to happen.
Faith is a positive expectation; you are expecting something good to happen.
Therefore fear and faith are the same, differing only by the degree of the positive or the degree of the negative. Change the degree and you change the emotion.
The Fifth Principle is Rhythm.
The principle of Rhythm states: All things are born, grow, peak, diminish and die.
All things rise and fall. There is a rhythmic cycle of birth, growth, deterioration, and demise in all things. There are cycles and rhythmic functions that affect us constantly, every moment of the day.
When you wake up, your day is born. You begin the cycle of the day. When you eat breakfast, you start a cycle that concludes when you finish breakfast. Your day dies when you go to sleep, at which time your nighttime cycle is born. Your dreams are a cycle. Everything you do during the day is a cycle. You never know where you are on that cycle except in retrospect.
Things taken at the flood are more likely to be successful. We all have a high point in our cycles, and a low point. This includes the sleep cycle, health cycle, energy cycle, success cycle, luck cycle, and so on. Each cycle has a different time period to run.
The cycle of the moon, like a woman’s menstrual cycle, runs twenty-eight days; the sleep cycle runs ninety minutes. Most of the other cycles, however remain hidden from us. If you were to chart your life with respect to colds, energy, luck, romance, enthusiasm, and lethargy, you would find a rhythm just as you will in all things.
To discover more about your life cycles, go to the meditation or self hypnosis level, that is simply a relaxed state of mind, and tell yourself that you wish to examine and become more aware of whatever cycle of activity you want to know more about. Gambling during the high point of your luck period would bring you good luck. Shopping for a house at the height of your success period will find you the best house. Salespeople will find there are certain periods of the month when they can do no wrong, and at other times nothing goes right.
People and places have a certain rhythm of their own. If you have ever met a total stranger and felt very close instantly it’s because your rhythm patterns are similar. Meet a stranger and feel like kicking them in the behind and you can be sure your rhythm patterns are out of sync.
And so it goes.
The Sixth Principle is Cause and Effect.
The principle of Cause and Effect states: Every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause. All things happen according to law. Accident and coincidence are the result of unrecognized cause.
Look back on your life and you will find many cases where a simple, seemingly insignificant event had major, long lasting effects. We have all had them, in my programs we call them Source foundations. Let’s say you were going out to meet someone for business or pleasure. On your way a car turned in close to the sidewalk to avoid a dog that had strolled into the street. The car went over a muddy puddle of water and splashed the white suit you were wearing at the time. You went home to change your suit and were late for the meeting. Because you were late certain things happened and you …..? The dog walking across the street was a source foundation and had an effect on the rest of your life. A better understanding of this principle will enable you to set your own source foundations for a better effect.
The Seventh Principle is Gender.
The principle of Gender states: All things have a masculine and feminine aspect.
Gender manifests on the physical plane, on the mental plane, and on the spiritual plane. The masculine force is the outgoing, the positive, the instigative; the feminine force is the incoming, the receptive, the negative, the creative. This has nothing whatever to do with the male and female sex, although they are manifestations of the principle of gender on the physical plane. A dynamic speaker, for instance, is producing a masculine force while speaking, whatever the gender of the speaker.
Those are the seven principles; they underlie all philosophies, all psychologies, all religions. They are the very basis of life itself as well as of what comes after.
Burt Goldman