Monday 5 May 2014

The Oracle Report

A Good Day to All, my friend has sent me lots of fantastic articles and I find them to be very good so if  all of you don't mind I will post them here. Yesterday I put up some information about the effects of high frequency upon our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, together with this another article on resonance, I hope you are able to see a connection between these two posting. For long time spiritual practitioners, the high frequency may not have so much impact on them as they have regularly train their body, mind and spirit through their respective practices. The cells in their bodies are use to having their frequencies raised regularly although the current high frequencies are beyond what they have experience previously.
We have come to a cross road and for those who are new to all this, it is not too late, just use affirmations, dowsing practice or meditations and whatever spiritual tools available, they are still useful as with the upgrade of energy levels I believe their effectiveness have also been upgraded. It is the best time to pick up a practice now, it will be much easier because of the high energy. Using an analogy, our journey is like being on a train, those who started earlier are on the train for a long time, but there is a few more stations for this train to stop and pick up passengers, hop on now, your journey is a short one to our destination.

Thank You! I Love You!
I Appreciate You! Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

The Oracle Report, Sunday, May 4, 2014

Posted on May 4, 2014 by Jean
Crescent Moon Phase: challenge, grow, expand
Moon in Cancer
Ruling Mahavidya: Bhuvaneshvari and Tara
Skill: wise old owl in the tree
Negative Imprint: hardship
Positive Imprint: poise
As of this writing, the Sun has not released an X-flare.  What did happen was that the interplanetary magnetic field near Earth dipped, opening a crack in the magnetosphere of the planet and raining down solar particles on us.  The crack is still open, bathing us in cosmic energy.
But Sunday’s energy brings circumstances that may feel like we are braving a storm.  It is harsher energy that can produce discomfort.  We tend to see the limits of people, places, and things.  It can get emotionally stormy.  The key to this is to not personalize it too much.  Think of yourself as a wise old owl safely situated in a tree and out of the storms.  From this place and this perspective, there is confidence – confidence in hope for the future.
Even though we are safely stowed in a tree, so to speak, this doesn’t mean we cut off our emotions or disengage from our lives.  It’s a mental and spiritual perspective.  With this, we don’t need to pretend to be stronger than we are.  Remember that this month energetically offers us a red cross nurse.  If you need assistance, have you asked the Mahavidyas, the Wisdom Goddesses, who are on duty this month?  If not, why not?
While plowing through the energy today, maintain inner poise.  This is the stance of the spiritual warrior.

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