I like to share this knowledge with Everyone!
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Together Together Together Together
Together Together Together
Ques: Can our basic nature be changed by sadhana?
#SriSri: It depends on what you consider your basic nature to be. If you say your basic nature to be anger, then I don’t agree with that. The basic nature of data, pitta and kapha, keep changing. Then there is creativity, happiness, joy, belongingness, these are all a part of your basic nature. Life is a combination of the changing and the non-changing. You cannot say everything changes and at the same time you cannot say that nothing changes. There are some things you can change and some things you cannot change in you, you have to accept both.. life is a balance between both. There are some things you cannot change and a lot of things that can change. And with sadhana what happens is that the non-changing things become stronger and there is a faster transformation in the things that can change.
Ques: What completes life?
#SriSri: It is in knowing life.
Ques: If life is a dream then that what is reality?
#SriSri: Who told you life is dream? Whatever has happened till this moment is just a memory and there is no difference between memory and a dream. If you look at it from that perspective then whatever has happened till now is like a dream. When you have this knowledge, then something shakes inside and you are awakened, that is becoming conscious. And this whole exercise is to become awakened and nothing else.
Ques: Why are we scared of being along? Why are we always looking for company?
#SriSri: Because you have not gone deep within. You have not met yourself. When you meet yourself, then that very moment all your fears in life will vanish. And how do you meet yourself? You keep aside all your roles in life and ask yourself ‘Who am I?’. When you keep asking yourself this question and go deep in meditation then you will know what truth. Then all your fears, hatred, animosity towards will vanish in that moment. So this is good exercise to do, keep asking yourself ‘Who am I?’ You do this for 5-7 minutes everyday, and then your mind starts settling, then automatically you start becoming happy.
Ques: How do move to non-doership?
#SriSri: Do not bring these differences into your mind as to what is doership and non-doership. Leave everything aside and do your work 100% and once you finish the work then you should rest also 100%. What we do is when we rest then we think about work and when we work we think about resting. So we are not able to rest or work properly.
Ques: I am not able to control my anger even after practicing meditation
#SriSri: Go deeper in meditation, do pranayama. It is impossible that even after practicing meditation your anger does not go. But if you still feel that it is there, look carefully and see that earlier when you would get angry, your anger would stay for longer. Now that you have started meditating, you get angry but it goes quickly within a few minutes. First acknowledge that, which is a huge step. While earlier your anger would last for months, sometimes a year, but now it last for a few minutes of an hour at the most. And why does it happen, because somewhere in the middle of your anger, you remember your breath, a flash of memory of your meditation comes and breaks your anger. Others may think that he is practicing meditation and still gets angry, but you know from inside that you have changed, that you have improved. Therefore whatever meditation you do will never go to waste.
Ques: Knowing that we will leave everything one day and go away, makes me very disturbed. How to come out of it?
#SriSri: The temporary nature of things around you should enable you to calm down, settle down. It’s good if it disturbs you, it wakes you up from slumber. But I tell you, hold on to it and you will see that another horizon opens up in front of you, where you feel invincible, where you feel that you are not a finite body but infinite consciousness.
Ques: I am very lazy in doing my practices, what should I do?
#SriSri: What is the the guarantee that if I give you some suggestion you won’t feel lazy to implement that. I better keep my mouth shut! You know you can overcome laziness only through three things. Either through love or fear or greed. Out of fear, or out of the greed of getting 10 lakhs or crores, you get over laziness. Or third is when you have fallen in love with something then you overcome laziness.
Ques: Are inter-caste or inter-religion marriages wrong according to dharma?
#SriSri: No. It is not the caste or religion, it is your compatibility. Don’t, in an upsurge go and say, I can’t live without you. Because when overcome with emotion you say I can’t live without you, soon you will say, I can’t live with you! It will flip over. That’s why take the advice of elders also.
Ques: How do I know if I really love someone or it’s just an attraction?
#SriSri: Time will tell you. Ask them to behave tough towards you, then you will know. If someone puts more demand on you, then you will know how much you really honour them.
Ques: How do I build an affinity towards knowledge?
#SriSri: This very question indicates you already have it, my dear! Why do you keep looking for it? You already have it that is why you are asking this question. You imagine that you don’t have affinity for knowledge and then you try to cultivate it, you know it’s never going to happen. Certain things you should assume and certain things you should know. You cannot assume everything and you cannot know everything. If someone says this is poison don’t have it, you cannot say no I will first taste and make sure, then you will not be there! So somethings you have to believe, some things you have to know and make everyone your own and move ahead (kuch maan ke chalo, kuch jaan ke chalo, sabko gale laga ke chalo). Many times people say that they will talk only to people that they know. That is stupidity, where is the benefit in that? There is benefit in talking to people who are not like you, your skills improve and your mind opens up. This tendency of sticking to one’s concepts in our country is sign of backwardness. Like communists run away from religious people and the religious people shy away from atheists. This is according to me is a sign of weakness.
Ques: What is the mystery behind your beauty and attractiveness?
#SriSri: There is a saying that beauty lies in eyes of the beholder! If you feel good inside then everyone else will also seem good. If you don't feel good inside then everyone looks like an enemy to you. It’s the way you look at people. Yes of course when you come here, the way you look at everyone changes. If it doesn’t then you are not you and I am not Me. This is what My job is! If spirituality was not attractive then why would people come on to this path? If there was no happiness here, then why would anyone bear being being on the path? There is some joy that people find on this path, that is why they are on it, right? Nature has made it this way.
Ques: If everything is destiny then what is our free will?
#SriSri: I have said already, your height is your destiny, your weight is your free will. If your weighing 100/200 kilos, don't say what can I do this is my destiny! Change your diet, we just keep eating at all odd ours like an elephant! Elephants sleep for only one hour and eat the rest of the 23 hours. But here even our elephants don’t eat for so long, they rest for 4-5 hours. So pay attention to what you eat. We keep stuffing ourselves with carbohydrates, rice, wheat, potatoes. And we boil the vegetables and throw away the water, throwing away all the essential vitamins and minerals.. We keep eating these non-nutritious foods. We should eat green vegetables and boil very little and not throw away the water. We have ayurvedic cooking classes, you should take these classes. We eat very salty and spicy food and then we get all sorts of diseases. We should learn to eat satvic meals, balanced diet. We have not given enough importance to dieticians in our country. In the name of vegetables too we eat only potatoes, brinjals and tomatoes which hardly have any nutrition in them.. We have to change the way we cook. Like we should not add salt while cooking but only after the food is cooked. We should make a CD and circulate, what is alkaline and acidic food etc. Our diet is very acidic, which leads our blood being acidic which causes lot of diseases. Our blood should be alkaline.
Ques: Parents put a lot of pressure on children for being first in class. Please advise.
#SriSri: That is a natural tendency, but don’t put too much pressure on the kids, this we must tell them. Whatever percentage comes, we must tell them not to worry. You should give some of the top examples of people, great people in the country and elsewhere in the world, who were very mediocre in school, they did not get top ranks, but still they have excelled. You need to kindle the talent in the child and not put blame and pressure on the kids.
Questions from students of ART Exel , YES! and YES!2 programs
Ques: Why is Guru important for us?
#SriSri: Why is this question important? You asked the question, you have become a student and if I answer I become a Guru!
Ques: Boys only look at beautiful girls. Are only looks important?
#SriSri: I don’t think so. You being is important enough. A person’s existence is good enough, their looks and intelligence do not matter. You don’t think about others you look at yourself. You focus on what talents are inside of you. Show other’s your brilliance.
Ques: Parents keep calling us. How long are we supposed to bear this injustice?
#SriSri: It is because of situation these days that they get worried. They call you only because they love you, why do you call it injustice? If you call it injustice, you will keep troubling yourself. Try and see from their perspective.
Ques: How can we be your masterpiece?
#SriSri: You are already one. You are a peace of the Master. Go and spread it.
Ques: Why has sex become an obsession among teenagers?
#SriSri: Yes, teenage is the time that you have to focus on your studies. If you are busy, your creativity will flow in the right direction, otherwise you will get addicted to sex. This is the time, this is the age that you have to be totally busy, be so busy that you hit the bed as soon as you come home. And then become busy as soon as you get up!
Ques: What is your favourite knowledge point?
#SriSri: Every knowledge that makes a point is a favourite.
Ques: Who is your favourite devotee?
#SriSri: Devotee and favourite they mean the same thing. It’s like saying H2O and water.
Ques: What is Your favourite song?
#SriSri: That which is unsung, unheard
Ques: Who is Your favourite God?
#SriSri: There is only One so there is no choice!
Ques: Who is your favourite teacher?
#SriSri: When teacher favour you, your job is done.
Ques: Which is your favourite flower?
@SriSri: Don't create competition among flowers. I love bouquets!
Ques: Which is your favourite tweet?
#SriSri: Every time I tweet, that is my favourite at that time, otherwise I never tweet.
Ques: Which is your favourite yogasana?
#SriSri: Sukhasana! If you say sukhasana is not my favourite then it is no more sukh-asana! It will lose it’s name.
Ques: Which is your favourite application on your phone?
#SriSri: Mediation. Let’s do it now!