Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Mental Work

KEY – get authoritative access; gain acceptance 

Just to explain a bit about this- It is like a dowsing chart, but you only have 3 answers, the mental speaker can be use to pick up your thoughts, say I want ask about my relationship with John, I need not write John's name on the space for witness, I just need to think of John, or say his name, and start to ask the question, 'Is my association with John beneficial?'  I may get a Good, Bad, or Neutral, then I ask another question and the pendulum will give the answer straight away, because the mental speakers are picking up your thoughts. As long as you feel connected, the chart will keep giving you answers faster than you can ask them.

You can try out the idea of mental broadcast, mental microphone, anything you can imagine, do experiments with your friends or loved ones. Ask your friends to participate in mental broadcast, by telling them that you will broadcast a word to them at a certain time, ask them if they could pick up the word broadcast to them.

We are going to use more of our mental powers this year, so have fun with your imagination and be like a child, TRUST-PLAY.

Image result for energy broadcast symbol

Image result for energy broadcast symbol

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