Thursday, 28 April 2016

SUCCESS for you

BUZZ - kick it into high gear; accomplish task at hand quickly and efficiently

Yesterday I shared about switch-words again, it is such an easy tool to use, you don't have to own a printer to print the energy circles, all you need is pen and paper to write on. And without writing tools, you can chant the switch-words a few times and it will do its magic for you. It is so {{{EASY}}}! 

A Success Story
Success story: Thank you all for you unconditional support. I've been using SW and EC for 14 days now and have noticed big shifts. Before my business was stagnant, the money was blocked and no clients. After Stuti Mishra Singh gave me EC for business, 1 hour after that I received an order for 440€. In two week times I had money pouring into my business, blocks were removed, clients started to show and placing orders. I've been using all methods... chanting, water charging, 3 fingers, putting under pillow, even creating my own EC... anything I could do. And it works like a MAGIC. So don't give up. If all this can happen in 14 days I wonder what else is possible now?

Energy goes after thought, so where you place your thought energy will be directed there. 

Take the ladder to Success -I won't do it, I can't do it, I want to do it, How do I do it? I will try to do it, I can do it, I will do it, Yes I did it, Success! 

EMBRACE – give/receive complete acceptance

The magic is in you, don't hold back, use it, the power you are born with, everyone has it in them. If you are able to relax you are able to use the magic, and a simple method of relaxation is to count backwards from 10 to 1 slowly, Try now 10 take a deep breath and let go, 9 another breath in and out, 8 breathe in and out slowly, 7 in.. and out.. , 6 in.. and out.., relaxing more and more, 5 slowly breathe in and out.. , 4.. , 3.. relaxing more and more, 2.., and 1.. Be totally relax now. Repeat this cycle 2 more times and you would be in a relax state of mind, in Alpha level
Now you are ready to communicate with your sub-conscious mind, you can use affirmation to help improve areas of your life at this level of mind.
Here is a good one to use ' Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.'

It is good to spend 10 to 20 minutes a day to relax, using whatever method you are comfortable with, and just by doing so, all areas and conditions of your life will improve. Don't look for big changes, just keep with your practice and over time you will notice the difference, it is better if people around you notice and tell you about it. Remember expectations reduces joy, just do it and surely you will have whatever you want.

Thank you



JACKPOT – feel successful; feel excitement 

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