Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Health and Prosperity

There is a frequency for everything as all matter is energy  and energy has a frequency. There is a ideal frequency for all things and events in your life. With dowsing we can check if we have the ideal frequency for our body or any other matter that affects our life. Take prosperity for example, just ask your dowsing system if the frequency of prosperity is with you and if you get a 'no' response ask that if the frequency of prosperity can be adjusted to your ideal frequency.
You can adjust your body to the ideal frequency for good health or scramble any non beneficial frequency that affects you and transform them into beneficial frequency to improve your health.
There are what we call 'spirits of emotions' example spirit of love, spirit of peace and spirit of harmony, there are also non beneficial spirits of of emotions such as spirit of diseases, spirit of greed and spirit of hate. As all of this are energy we can adjust these non beneficial spirits of emotions into beneficial ones.
Here are the commands to do so ' Please banish any non beneficial spirits of emotions from me and my family.'
'Please deactivate their life force'
'Please scramble the frequency of their survival and reproductive intelligence and adjust it into the frequency of pure water.'
This is a general command for all non beneficial spirits you can modify the command to zoom in on a specific spirit of emotions that is affecting you or your family.
The benefit of doing the above brings good health and prosperity for you as this might reduce your medical bills for you and your family.
If you are not a dowser, just read the above commands with a pure intent that it will work for you and your family. Try it and benefit from it.
Thank you! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes for All!

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