I like to write some of my own experience and views about this subject, first thing I want to share some real stories of how people make use of healing for their personal gains. This are stories about real people but I will not make any reference to anyone as some of them are close to me.
Many years ago, when I first started on my spiritual journey, I met someone who had third eye capabilities, this person make no effort to let people know this fact. People started to ask help from this person, because they have problems with negative forces and this person could help them. More and more people started to trust this person, and soon a small society was form with this person as the president.
People begin to listen to all the instructions given out by this person, soon people were saying that this person is a sort of Savior, kindly, compassionate, and godly. As in any organization, soon different groups form within the society and disagreement between groups cause some of them to leave . One of the member, who broke away, was from the inner circle, this person was very angry and told me, what really is happening. Their leader actually get a cut in all the earnings of the society, although the impression the general public have, is one of a compassionate person who gives freely services and time. Activities were organize to increase earnings, such as healing, TCM, chanting and many other activities. People there obey the rules given to them without questions, or else will be ask to leave and later ostracized.
The above is a standard model in most of such organization, it is quite common here in Asia, I do not know if other parts of the world have similar models. People give away their own power when they don't think for themselves, become obedient followers and being lead by the nose.
Healing can be learned by almost anyone, one of my observations is that when I teach healing techniques to someone to heal themselves, it is usually those who are simple at heart that learn the technique fast and are able to perform the healing successfully. We all have the ability to do energy works, it is just a matter of allowing yourself to do so.
Presently there are many Multilevel marketing (MLM) companies promoting health products, health equipments, some of these products are actually good for the people, but because of greed, they are priced way too high. People are driven by commission to promote such products, and it is especially easy for those who are doing healing works to promote these. People believe in you when you heal them, they trust that you have their best interest at heart, often this trust is misplaced and people get taken advantage of, and give away large sum of money into the person they mistrusted. I know of many people involved in MLM who would not bat an eye to earn money from a close friend and they claim it is for the best good of their close friend.
Take back your power, learn to heal yourself, do not give away your birth rights for everyone have the power to. Dowsing is a great form of healing, learn to dowse from books, blogs like mine or look into Facebook to find dowsing groups that share information with each other. There is no need to give away your money, make good use of the readily available information put up by many good people for free.
Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.
Red Cedar Tree
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