It was a long weekend for us here in Singapore, and I hope everyone enjoyed the short break from work, coincidentally it is also the beginning of the 'Ghost Festival' for us. Do you believe in ghost? well they exist whether you do or not, and they are present year round so it is not just the during the ghost festival that you will find them.
I would not go into this subject of ghost because there is so many views from everyone about how they look like and what can they do, are they harmful and so on. But I would like to to remind all dowsers that because of all the incenses and 'paper money' burning please remember to scramble all the harmful pollutants from the air and adjust them to the frequency of pure air.
The energy is rising again, please check regularly and ask to neutralize the negative effects on you and your family, much cleansing is going on and for people who do not do energy works or prayers, this can bring about lots of problems in their personal, family, and work life. If you have friends that are in such situation please direct them to dowsing, or any other form of energy works to help them. (subjected to the fact that they are willing to listen) The future is raw pure energy, and you can do whatever you want with it, manage your energy well every day and the future will be good for you.
Another thing, please ground your energy daily, just by asking you can do this, another way is to massage the bubbling well accupoint at the base of your feet. Massage this points(both feet) once in the morning and before retiring to bed, it has many other health benefits too.
I received some wonderful feed-backs recently and I would like to thank all of you who have taken the time to write me. And of course I like to thank everyone who reads this blog regularly too. I Love You!
May the Light and Love be Upon You Always.
Always Better and Better.
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