Energy is changing all the time, this is why we have to clear or balance the energy again and again, issues like geopathic stress can reappear again in your home after some time but from another area of your home, It is important to constantly monitor these energy, be more observant, take note of your plants, or take notice that ants or insects are appearing in the house where you previously have none, these maybe indications that some energy change have taken place and you should take out your pendulum and start checking.
Do not wait till someone in your home come down with some serious illness and then you start hollering for help, it may be too late then, if you constantly dowse to check the energy you will also develop a sixth sense within and will somehow know if something is not right. (of course you could be come paranoid too) It is still better to be wrong than to be sorry for not being aware since you know how to dowse.
If you do not know how to dowse please learn, there are many good and reliable websites that teach you how to, with videos and downloadable instructions. Dowsing is a natural extension of your own intuitive ability and everyone have this. It is a wonderful tool to have, you will avoid many problems, save on your medical bills, get great discounts, meet wonderful opportunities and people and the list goes on and on.
I have through dowsing met many good friends, and shared many wonderful experiences with them, things have never been better in my work place and for my family. Relationships have improved and people are generally happy to be around me. All these are the results of dowsing, changing energy and creating the best conditions for every situation in life.
Recently I realize that I did not place energy cells in my new offices, and I did so, and the changes were immediately noticeable, people behave better and are more co-operative. There are many things that you can do with dowsing to improve your life and no one will ever know what you did.
Thank You!
May Love and Light Shine Upon You!
Always Better and Better.
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