I have posted many articles on the effects of high energy, and most of these articles talk about cleansing, so what is cleansing to you, is it removing all the negative energy from you and replacing it with positive energy?
Cleansing happens at many levels physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, we are body , mind and spirit all in one, so the cleansing will take place on all these levels.
Some of you may experience, unexplained pains in your body, or some illness may show up, this may be due to the cleansing process taking place. Relationships may turn sour, partnership may breakdown, stress from work, disharmony with family members may now become a problem for some. All these may just be cleansing of our outer layer of consciousness, cleansing may even go deeper, into the actions, beliefs, heritage and cultural levels from our ancestors. Our DNA holds all these memories from our past, and when deep cleansing is happening, the negative effects of all these will show up.
Let's take an example, it is common for some people to visit a pub or bar to have a drink after work, it is a form of relaxation for them, but is it so? One of the most common place to pick up negative entities is at a pub or bar. Now you have become aware of this fact, but will knowing this keep you away for such places? You may think, this is the way we are, all our friends do this, even our forefathers do this, so how can we be wrong. Well it is not about right or wrong, it is about making a choice, before you know about a certain knowledge, you are not presented a choice, you simply follow what everyone is doing, so now the energy comes in, put you into higher awareness and you have to release the habits that is ingrained in your DNA. (of course you can keep cleaning yourself with dowsing, but it is not nipping the problem in the bud) are you willing to do so.
I not against going for a drink, please don't get me wrong, I just giving an example of what cleansing may be for some. Look deep into yourself, keep clear of all negative places and people, there is is much rubbish we already carry on ourselves there is no need to add on more from other sources.
There are many so called masters out there, many can be found on the web too, they all inform you about the energy changes and what is installed for you, then they sell you courses, and more courses. I am really wondering where is the love in all this, and there are many who channel messages, but note how they position themselves, as if they are from some mystical level that the normal human can never reach and they talk about unity, look at their common background, they are mostly similar, some mystical experience they had when they were young, abducted by alien races and so on. If we are connected to the source or God, don't you think you will not have your own personal telephone line with God, and you need to hear God from someone else. And do we so belittle God that we think God could not get a message across to us? We are all part of God, and by default we are connected to God, just drop all the chattering in your mind and you will definitely hear God's sweet loving voice, telling you how much he/she loves you.
Thank you.
Love Alan
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