Thursday, 18 February 2016


ORMUS-gas-O6 (oxygen 6) anti bacterial Ormus elements are atoms in an orbitally rearranged, monatomic state. Ormus appears to be a fifth state of matter–solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and Ormus. There is considerable evidence that ancient societies utilized elements in their ormic state.

Ormus materials do not chemically bond with other materials but are necessary as chemical facilitators and assume a role of governance and orchestration within our bodies. They appear to be essential nutrients. Ormus is life energy.

A disease-free body
quiver-free breath
inhibition-free intellect
stress-free mind
trauma-free memory
violence-free society
and an ego that embraces all a sign of Health

The sanskrit word for health- swasthya
means being stabilized in the self.
When the mind is free of fear, free of guilt, free of anger,hatred,
it has the power to heal the body of any ailment-
there is such a huge power in consciousness.

Health is not mere absence of disease; 
health is being established in the self.
Health is the dynamic expression of life!

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