Friday, 26 February 2016

Working Hand in Hand

Merry Go Round-FREEDOM-Lemon Drop-FLOCK.
(Look for new outlooks, widen your horizons, and appreciate the cycle of life, release need to conform, let go of constrictions, release sourness and bitterness which may be creating problems in your life, work in unison.)
Out of Integrity 
February 26, 2015
Taken from Kat Thoughts at Blue Iris Learning Center:
Out of integrity means...your actions and/or thoughts do not support what you say you want. This gives conflicting information to the Universe, which makes it difficult to manifest whatever it is you say you want.
When focused at work you may say "I want a raise."
At home you may say, "I can't give you more of an allowance."
You are limiting on the second hand, which is putting a limit on the first hand.
You must GIVE to GET. When you OPEN and ALLOW at home, SUDDENLY at work they OPEN and ALLOW
As long as you perceive that there never is enough, there never will be enough.
As long as you perceive there always is PLENTY, there always will be PLENTY.
(Get authoritative access, allow yourself to know the way, build and expand peace and wellness, cleansing, purifying, harmonizing and protecting, stabilize traumatic situations, restore emotional calm and confidence, get a helping hand for getting through life's difficulties, transcend beyond expectations.)

CONSIDER, when you feel like Switchwords are not working for you, looking into all segments of your life....where might you not be in your integrity?
Remember, the Universe responds to all requests and thoughts you offer. If you are out of integrity in one focus in your life, you may discover that the Universe appears to be out of alignment with you in another focus. Though we may have many focuses in our lives, our energy flows through all of them, and more than one area may be affected.
I am reminded of one situation several years ago where someone had suggested that "cling" might be a Switchword. Someone who had read the suggestion decided to try utilizing "cling" to bring back their ex. She noted it seemed to be working in bringing him back, but at the same time she also noted that there was a gentleman showing up everywhere she went, like he was stalking her. It appeared that both segments were connected, and that while trying to "cling" in one focus, it was bleeding through to another focus in her life, bringing something unwanted.
We are not separately a mother, daughter, wife, worker, etc., but all in one energy.
We cannot be an earner, if we are not a spender too. What if the money is not there for things we want, because we are telling the story that we do not have the money for what we want? In one focus we ask the Universe to BRING US more money. In another focus we say we never have enough money. The focus on we never have...prevents us from having.
When we stop holding back, fearing there will not be enough, we OPEN ourselves to the FLOW. CIRCULATE-COUNT seems a good phrase to HELP US mingle with the money, allowing it to come and GO.
(Fix this, find direction, manifest the goods, unite with dispelling inhibitions, breathing easier, allowing money to flow (to us and from us), letting go of the details and progressing.)
(Refreshing, energizing, entrancing, relieving stress and calming the spirit, continuous flow, engulfing, quenching, nurturing, nourishing, getting new ideas, nourishing ambition, developing deeper comprehension, helping, selling, making money, driving a multitude.)

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