Friday 20 June 2014

Raymon Grace latest Newsletter

June, 2014
Howdy Folks,
Sometimes I wonder what to write in a newsletter that will do the most good for you folks and keep it simple. A gentleman in Australia wants to invite all you dowsers to work on eliminating the trafficking of children in whatever way you like. It is a good idea.
Have already done what I knew to do by making the film ‘Blueprint For Freedom’ and making it available at
The problem is, the people who need the information in the film don’t know it exist.
If you have other ideas please work on this project in your own way.
Faye and I will be offering another webinar on August 16 & 17 for those of you who didn’t get in on the others. It will be limited to the first 100 people to sign up and will include a recording the following week of me answering the questions you wrote to ask. The questions are ONLY for those who participated in the webinar. Also, it will include only the questions I can answer, some folks ask things I know nothing about. The feedback on the webinar has been good and I appreciate your nice comments. We are giving a price break on the new updated DVDs to those who participate in the webinar. Register here.
Faye and I filmed two DVDs for the West Coast Dowsing Conference. One will be shown at the conference and both will be available for sale at the conference July 3-7 in Santa Cruz, California. Faye will be playing her gongs at this convention on several occasions, come join the fun and have your energy field expanded. A few years back at a conference she expanded energy fields on people by 50 feet or more in a couple of minutes. The gongs tend to take you some other place and leave you relaxed and feeling good. She will have my DVDs for sale there, and I will do the talk by DVD on Friday, so come if you can, it will be a fun conference and all the information is here.
We also made a film for the British Society of Dowsers Conference Sept. 5-7 for you folks in that part of the world. That film will not be for sale, you have to be there to watch it, so make plans to attend the conference.
I have been invited to teach a 2 day class in Columbus, Ohio on August8 & 9 prior to KRT Great Radionics Expo. See my schedule at for more details and contact information.
For those of you in the upper mid-West, my friend Ron Barone will be offering a Radionics class in Rapid City, S.D. Click for a pdf with details.
Ozark Research Institute has invited me to be their keynote speaker and offer a one day class after the conference in September. Look here for more information.
OzarkResearch Institute (479)582-9197

If you have read this far, you deserve something for your efforts so here it is. Have you noticed that people are getting crazier? I have been measuring ‘mental stability’ for a while and it has dropped more than most people are aware of. I can’t prove this, but have been told there is an energy from the Milky Way that is affecting the minds of people. This seems to explain what I have been measuring for over a year.
If you want to learn more about the people around you, then check the average mental stability of the town or county.
To find out if you are affected, simply dowse and ask, ‘what is my mental stability?’ OR what is the mental stability of another person? You can also ask ‘what is the effect of astrological influence on me OR someone else.’
Any reading less than 100% means the person needs help. Just ‘neutralize the negative effect of ‘astrological influence’ on either yourself or the other person and then check mental stability again. SO far, this has worked every time.
I would NOT suggest you take this information and go on a crusade to save the world from insanity. And certainly NOT ask me to do it for you.
Hope you have a Safe and Sane Summer

And now from FAYE.....
Love is All There Is!

Please read and join us in the new project, started in March, 2014
This is a true statement, there is divine love and our awareness that this is what we are.
And there are many levels of not knowing that we are love.

As you get farther and farther away from being the love that you are…other things cover up that love and fill our thoughts. Guilt, sorrow, anger, hatred, all these things cover up the spark of divine love at the core of each human. Some are so mired in the negative emotions that all they can do is lie, cheat, steal, and wage war on those they come into contact with.

You may have noticed that we have a lot of that in our world at the moment. So how is the best way to bring these people back to being the love that they are?

You may have noticed that as a society, we have waged our own wars on many things besides humans…we have a war on drugs, a war on cancer, and a war on war too….fighting for peace.

Have you noticed any success with any of these? I believe it is time to approach this in a different manner.

This was inspired by a lady who wrote Raymon about having a conversation with poison ivy and asking it to die for the sake of the children who walked by it daily. So they would not get posion ivy. And three weeks later, the vine was completely gone. She had been fighting it for some time with poisons and the plant was thriving.
Raymon teaches us that energy follows thought, and what we think about we give our energy to and it grows.

So as we hate our governments, and hate the criminals in our cities….they seem to gain more and more power these days.

What if, instead, we started appealing to that spark of love within them and remind them of the love that they are. And do this for ourselves first. Focus on that love and make it grow.

Let's each have a soul to soul talk with our government representatives, in all areas, city, county, state and national levels, in our imagination.

You can do this any way you like. Imagine them all in one form and just talk to them one time as a group, or have a conversation with each one of them. Ask them to look within themselves for the spark of love that is there, and to operate only from that place of love. This will include love, respect, integrity, and honesty.

Ask them to begin to fulfill the duties to which they have been trusted and elected to execute with truth and love and to lookout for the good of all the people they represent today.

If they cannot do this, ask them to please remove themselves from office immediately so they can be replaced with someone who can act in this manner. And then let's see them each day as a being of love and only focus on that spark and make it grow. This reminds me of what I call the Jesus prayer. Asking that each person be made whole, and if they do not choose to be made whole, that God nurture them at their deepest level of need.

So we would ask you to join us in the new project.

Have the conversation with them one time, then each day just ask that all politicians and criminals be made whole, and if they do not choose to be made whole, that they be nurtured at their deepest level of need. And as you ask this, see them as a being of love.

See yourself this way too…and watch the violet flame of love grow within everyone on Earth. This is the way to lasting peace on Earth.

Then focus on everyone as Love and watch it grow.
When I speak of love, I am not talking about emotional love as in “falling in love”, or being “in love”. I am speaking of the Divine Love of God, Creator, Great Spirit, whatever you want to call the Creator Being.

The energy of this being is very high in vibration, it is Divine Love. And it encompasses all things. We are the expression of that love, or lack there of….so lets see everyone being the pure expression of Divine Love each day and create that on Earth now.

If this resonates with you, please join with us and make this happen. Email me with any results you see in your life, your city, county, and country as you do this. Ask your friends to join in….

Raymon had done some baseline dowsing to see where we are now and we will keep a check on it and let you know about our progress. Do this yourself and let us know what you get also. This has been added to the projects site at
And it is time for the Call to Action...details here...please join in.

I will be traveling from NY to California for the conference and will have some evenings that I could do a gong event. If you live in one of these cities and would can round up 15 or more people for an evening Sonic Massage, drop me an email at - Harrisburg PA, Omaha Nebraska, Cheyenne Wy and I already have a host in Reno and will be doing yoga and gongs there...if interested contact me for details.
With joy and love,


Thank You! I Love You!
I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All
Always Better and Better.

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