Wednesday 25 June 2014

Spirituality and You

When I first understudy my reiki master, he mentioned to me that all day long he was only thinking about energy. What he meant was he was only focus on reality because all matters are composed of energy. I have taught many people to use energy and  dowsing, some of them pick up the knowledge and started using it to better their life, there are others who have no clue about what is going on and made no difference in their life.

There is another bunch of people who actually do not know how to use energy but will argue to the cows come home that they know, these people are so full of themselves that it near impossible to get through to them. Bruce Lee and maybe a few other masters have said 'empty your cup' there is no more space for any new knowledge to get in if your cup is full. I myself have been guilty of this mentality, but a wise person whom I was inquiring about her meditation class told me 'if you know then why are you still here?' I was telling her about what I already know and comparing her methods to all the methods of meditations that I have already learned. Yes it is so true if I already know then why am I still seeking. I was truly humbled that day.

Spirituality is looking into the heart, it is the journey from the head to the heart, do not get stuck with all the books that you have read, drop all these superficial knowledge, it must come from within you, the knowledge of who you are. Some people may have certain experiences on their quest of spirituality but they are just experiences, these experiences brings your consciousness to certain awareness but they may become a bondage if you hang on to them and wear them like badges to show others that you had had them(experiences).

Hang on to nothing, all things are empty, it is the emptiness that is useful, look at the world around you, if you cup is made of solid glass with no empty space to contain your drink it would be useless, if your house was not empty you could not live in it, even your body comprise of empty space so that the blood can flow, the lungs can contain air, the stomach can contain food.

Any knowledge you gain should be use to better your life and to help others improve theirs, holding the knowledge just to boast that you know will not benefit yourself and others. The divine will give you more when you start giving what you have to others, this is universal law, it is twice blessed to give than to receive.
And finally if you truly believe in the Energy, do not get so caught up with your daily life, you should be able to create whatever you need simply by asking for it, drop your fears and limitations move on with your heart.

Thank You! I Love You!
I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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