Thursday, 12 May 2016

Letting Go

Right and Wrong, this is something that I struggle with in the past, should I do this or not? Will doing this make me unworthy, is it really important? I had this need to justify my actions and judge my worth based on this.

From the viewpoint that everything is composed of energy, and the intelligent mind can change energy. Intelligent people do not get too caught up with emotions, emotions cloud the mind and cause one to react to a situation instead being composed and coming up with a good solution. Without the ability to remain calm, fear, anger, guilt, and negative emotions sets in, it is a vicious cycle. This is a form of 'programs to re-experienced issues', situations repeats itself and you experience the same drama again and again. 

When you realize the nature of all these, you can change the energy, people are conditioned from young to behave the way they behave, the belief system they have now, is a product of their environment, their social circle, their parents, the education they receive or did not receive, heritage and culture too. What would it take for one to wake up and see the suffering cause to oneself and others because of these beliefs? 

Let me share here that I have used dowsing to clear all of these for my loved ones, over the years, I have observed positive changes, but it is not 'complete' and I believe it may not be 'complete' unless they are willing to let it go themselves. I can only hope that somewhere along the way, a glimpse of light will attract them to seek for more.  

I like to share another post from facebook with everyone :- I had written about my son who had joined a frat in university and I am not sure if I mentioned that he had been missing for and we could not find him. Last week we found out that he had passed away two years ago and his remains were in the morgue.  For the past two years prayer circles, pujas, healings and clearings were done for him and he had died.

It is so sad that despite the parents doing all the energy works for their son, yet he was found lying in the morgue. There is life blueprint that one follows and despite anything others do to help to change it, the person will follow it to the very end. The only person who can change this blueprint is him or herself, yes it is possible to change it, but you must be aware that there is such a thing.

You can use your dowsing to check if a problem that is bothering you is part of your original blueprint, if yes could it be change for the better, and if you have already mastered the problem that is within. Try it , you may be surprise that you can change your life.

'I am Sorry' is to forgive yourself and forgive others, because you let go of your ego and is willing to say you are sorry. Stop the suffering now, 'I am Sorry, Please forgive Me, Thank you, I Love You.'

Thank you


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