Tuesday 10 May 2011

Affirmations and Dowsing

Take time to line up the Energy first, and action becomes inconsequential. If you don’t take time to line up the Energy, if you don’t find the feeling place of what you’re looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference.

Dowsing is a very easy method of aligning with the Energy, the pendulum or dowsing instrument indicates to you the energy you are creating and physically you can see what you are creating. A clockwise swing on the pendulum can indicate that positive energy is present or you are in a positive frame of mind and vice versa. This makes things easy, you don’t have to be gifted or have extra sensory perception to know what is happening in the energetics around you.
Imaging that the whole world is made up of energy, you and the people around you, events in your life, your current situation are all made of energy. If you can change energy, then you can change all aspect of your life simply by changing the frequencies of energy to be positive to you.
Well you may ask what have I accomplish with all the above, here is a few changes in my life that I would like to share. I doubled my income; my children improved their grades in school 100%, my wife stop having hair loss, our health improved, the neighborhood became a friendly place and colleagues and co-workers also improve their lives.
How is all this happening? How do you make all these changes in your life? By intending what you want to change in your life. Energy does not know what you want is good or bad for you, it simply manifest what you intend to have, it is impartial to everything and it is unlimited. If you ask for a million dollars, it creates a million dollars for you but it does not deprive anyone of a million dollars to give to you.
A good way to improve your life is to use an affirmation that is to repeat a positive statement to yourself. This statement gets into your sub-conscious mind and your sub-conscious mind manifest it into reality for you. Anyone can try this just repeat the following sentence-’ every day in every way I am getting better, better and better’. Life will improve for you in one or two days’ time; see for yourself besides there is nothing to lose.
A question may arise as how many times one has to repeat this affirmation for it to work, you simply repeat as many times as possible a day till you notice the changes coming on. Another way to do this is to use dowsing, simply swing the pendulum clockwise and repeat the affirmation till the pendulum stops swinging and the affirmation has been programmed into you.
There are many affirmations that can help one improves oneself and using the dowsing system you can program them  into youself on a long term basis, the effect of which greatly enhances your life for the better. The following are some affirmations that you might want to program into yourself, you can find many more affirmations to use from many other sources. Thank you.

1)      I am aware of all attempts to adversely manipulate my mind. My mind rejects all harmful subliminal suggestions.
2)      I am aware of all non-beneficial energy in my energy field.
3)      I am aware of all danger to myself, my family, friends and country. I take the appropriate actions to prevent or avoid it.
4)      I am always at the right time and right place, say the right thing at the right time in the best possible way.
5)      I attract to me, people, events, energy to enhance prosperity and fun. I deserve prosperity and fun.
6)      I understand my life purposes; I have the knowledge and ability to fulfil them.
7)      I have enough time to do everything I need and choose to do, and do them well with time to spare.
8)      I repel all people and energy that are detrimental to me.
9)      I always maintain a healthy, body and mind 
10) I am always bright, happy, healthy and prosperous.

Friday 6 May 2011

Dowsing- Many Ways How Dowsing Can Improve Your Life

Dowsing can be used in numerous ways to better one’s life, the 4 basic movements (up-down, left-right, clockwise and anti-clockwise) will give answers and solutions to any problem one might encounter in life. (Please refer to the following site for free dowsing instructions with a downloadable booklet@ www.lettertorobin.org)
With the ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ movements we can establish if there are energies present at a place that might be detrimental, simply by asking: ‘Is there negative energy here?’ The pendulum will swing to indicate ‘YES’ or ‘NO’  , if you get a ‘YES’ then ask the dowsing system (pendulum) if they can be remove. Again if you get a ‘YES’ respond, then say: ‘please remove all negative energy from this place’. The pendulum will swing anti-clockwise till all negative energy are remove, we can then check if there are any negative energy present one more time.
Dowsing can be used to check if the food is good for you, if a job interview is in your favor, is the item you intent to buy is at the best price, a person’s honesty level, to find directions, increase your prosperity, raise the grades of your children in school and improve your general well-being. These are just a small number of ways that dowsing can help you make your life better.
I will share a story to show how dowsing can make a positive change in one’s life. About a year ago, I took on a project as a member of a team to supervise the project. My colleague and I share a container office, this fellow was always complaining about his wife, sister-in-law and his mother-in-law on a daily basis to me. After a month, I had my ears full, so I decided to do something about this. I found out that he had psychic cords attached to his crown chakra and his life was being controlled by his wife, mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I simply ask the dowsing system to cut all non-beneficial psychic cords for him and he did not complain about them since.
I like to share another story about another fellow on the same project, who was suffering from gastric ulcer. At the time I was having an inspection of some works and this fellow was next to me clutching his abdomen with both his hands and his face was pale as a ghost.  I ask him what was wrong and he answered in a weak voice that he is having a gastric attack. I took out my pendulum and ask to scramble the frequency of pain in his body and adjust it to his idea frequency, banish the spirit of disease from his body and place the most appropriate healing energy on him for his best good. The whole episode lasted about a few minutes; he felt no more pain in his body and has not had gastric problem since.
Dowsing is a wonderful skill to learn, it enriches your life and the lives of your family and friends, a very simple skill to learn but one that will give you a happy, healthy and prosperous life that is full of fun. Go visit this website and find out for yourself the wonders of dowsing. Thank you.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Psychic Cords

There are many times I found psychic cords attached to people who are related, wife and husband, mother and children, among siblings and even friends and relatives.
It is usually one party controlling another; it results in the party being controlled having to live a life being victimizes by the controlling party.
This in turn results in the creation of non-beneficial spirits of emotions due to the long term harboring of non-beneficial emotions by the victimized party.
As non-beneficial spirits of emotions include the spirit of diseases, the victimize party most time develop some kind of disease in them.
Another thing that is related to non-beneficial psychic cords is the inability to achieve one’s goal in life. The controlling party usually wants the victimized party to remain in status quo as to maintain control.
Psychic cords are powerful attachments that can create havoc in one’s life, they are usually found attached to the chakras, the location the psychic cord is attached to gives an indication of the control, an example of this would be if psychic cords were found attached to the crown chakra indicates that someone is trying to control the victims mind.
It also found that psychic chords are present among co-workers, superiors and subordinates in a workplace. This always results in victimization and abuse of power by the controlling party. In most cases the victim has a hard life and cannot do anything about it except to leave the workplace for another. The victim sometimes also develops bad archetypes for the rest of their life, resulting in a dysfunction life style.
With dowsing, we can check for non-beneficial psychic cords and if they are found on you simply ask that they be removed, the words to use are: -‘Please cut all non-beneficial psychic cords for me. Thank you.’  Life will change for the better once this is done. If you do not know how to dowse you can just say the above words as a prayer.
You have the power to change your life, do not live as a victim, the power lies between your ears use it.
Another link to a video that explains the brain frequencies when one dowse.


Tuesday 3 May 2011

What is Dowsing?

Mirrored Reflection is for defusing harsh judgment and criticism of others, which creates barriers between oneself and others, to avoid seeing self. Mirrored Reflection is for defusing rejection of self and others as they are. By defusing these things Mirrored Reflection reveals the truth of self on all levels, and opens one up to acceptance and love of all aspects of self, both light and dark, as valuable to the whole. This acceptance and love in turn allow one to accept and love those around them, as the world around us is always a reflection of our inner thoughts and feelings.

What is Dowsing?
Dowsing is the ancient art of finding water, minerals and other objects that seem to have a natural magnetic , electromagnetic or perhaps unknown energy. Energies that the body can detect with built-in sensors no different from seeing,hearing or feeling that is natural to all of us.

A dowsing tool is usually use as an instrument to tell us what we are sensing, an example of a dowsing tool would be a simple pendulum. The tool gives us an indication of what we are feeling through our body's natural sensors, set a protocol with your dowsing tools before you begin dowsing. A up-down swing on the pendulum can be a 'YES', a left-right swing can be a 'NO', an clockwise rotation can be to add energy or intention and an anti-clockwise swing can be to remove energy or change energy.

All matters are compose of energy, your body is made up of energy, thoughts are a form of energy, and we have the ability to change energy with our mind. Every time you make a decision to do something you are changing energy, there is nothing mysterious about this, when you hear a love song on the radio, you feel something, what cause you to feel this? Energy!

I will share many stories about dowsing on upcoming posts and how dowsing can change your life as it has change mine.

Thank you