Thursday 5 May 2011

Psychic Cords

There are many times I found psychic cords attached to people who are related, wife and husband, mother and children, among siblings and even friends and relatives.
It is usually one party controlling another; it results in the party being controlled having to live a life being victimizes by the controlling party.
This in turn results in the creation of non-beneficial spirits of emotions due to the long term harboring of non-beneficial emotions by the victimized party.
As non-beneficial spirits of emotions include the spirit of diseases, the victimize party most time develop some kind of disease in them.
Another thing that is related to non-beneficial psychic cords is the inability to achieve one’s goal in life. The controlling party usually wants the victimized party to remain in status quo as to maintain control.
Psychic cords are powerful attachments that can create havoc in one’s life, they are usually found attached to the chakras, the location the psychic cord is attached to gives an indication of the control, an example of this would be if psychic cords were found attached to the crown chakra indicates that someone is trying to control the victims mind.
It also found that psychic chords are present among co-workers, superiors and subordinates in a workplace. This always results in victimization and abuse of power by the controlling party. In most cases the victim has a hard life and cannot do anything about it except to leave the workplace for another. The victim sometimes also develops bad archetypes for the rest of their life, resulting in a dysfunction life style.
With dowsing, we can check for non-beneficial psychic cords and if they are found on you simply ask that they be removed, the words to use are: -‘Please cut all non-beneficial psychic cords for me. Thank you.’  Life will change for the better once this is done. If you do not know how to dowse you can just say the above words as a prayer.
You have the power to change your life, do not live as a victim, the power lies between your ears use it.
Another link to a video that explains the brain frequencies when one dowse.

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