Monday 12 March 2012

Colours and how it affect you

We live in a world full of colours, as they have a profound effect on us let's take a look as how this is so.
If you visit a art gallery, notice that the walls are generally always painted white this is because white works well as a backdrop for the different exhibits put up. White has a soothing effect on us and does not distract the visitor from the art displays.
Another example visit a public garden the many arrays of flowers and plants paints the scenery with multitude of colours lifting the energy and moods of all visitors there.Different colours have different effect on your energy field, it is important to find the right colours that will enhance your well-being and makes you more pleasant to the people around you.
Dowsing can be very helpful to determine the right colour for you be it the clothes you put on, the colour of your home, the bedsheets you sleep on, the place you work at. All you have to do is to ask the dowsing system if the colour you are using now is suitable for you. Let's see how this is done, get a piece of paper and list out the seven colours one after another. Now check with your pendulum asking say 'Is red suitable for me to day?' if you get a 'no' response then go to the colour list and dowse to see which is the most suitable colour for you.

Some colour can bring up your energy and others may 'zap' your energy dry, example of this red is energising but black zaps your energy so if you attending a meeting you would want to have something red with you. I have notice that some people have a liking to dress totally in black, this is unwise as black not only cause you to be low in energy it also absorbs negative energy too. Simply add a red ornament and you can change the effect. Put on the right colours and you will have a positive effect in your life, your home, your workplace and even enhances your prosperity.(ask which colour enhances your prosperity)
Thank you.

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