Thursday 23 April 2015


In my opinion, we are moving rapidly towards a new world, resistance is futile, if you choose otherwise, you got to go back to the beginning and start again. Sounds bad? Let me explain why I am saying this, I have been observing the energy for a few years now, the effects of the energy on the people and on the earth. I am unable to tell you how I observe the energy, but simply I am feeling it and the feel that runs through me whenever the energy affects me.

Look around you, if you are into facebook groups that is of a spiritual nature, what do you find, someone puts up a teaching or a method of healing, and this is good, it works, and this person who put this up is of good spirit, genuinely wants to help the world. Then look what happens, everyone is asking for help, despite all the information given out on how to help yourself, they simply just ask for help, oblivious to the information available. And it is endless, everyday people just write in to ask how to increase their wealth, make more money, deal with a disease, how to pass examinations and interviews, how to get a life partner and so on.

People are not taking up responsibility for themselves, in the new world, you will be creator of reality, and if you are not going to take responsibility do you think you will be in this new world. I am not complaining about anyone, because no one is above another, if you are not take good care of yourself, you will suffer for it, one way or another. If you do not take care of your health, you will be sick, it is a matter of time, no one needs to do anything, nature will take its course and soon you will have to see a doctor.

Always remember you are spirit or energy being first, there are people who think that we are spirit in a physical body, I tell you that it is the opposite, you are spirit wrap around a physical body. If you can see this, than you can see reality. You are powerful being of the universe, you are eternal spirit, know this now. The process coming up is going to be tough, make peace with yourself and you will be able to help yourself and others through these changing times.

If you are doing some spiritual practice, take up responsibility and help people with what you have, doing some service daily, giving a praise or showing appreciation to someone you meet is sometime all you need to do, smile to a stranger, talk to someone, there are lots of old lonely people who would really appreciate some small talk, someone to listen to them. (I am assuming that you live in Singapore) If you sincerely offer your service, you need not worry to much about what you do might be right or wrong, it doesn't matter. You will know as long as you do it with a pure heart and good intentions. Don't worry about having special powers, or special abilities, sometimes these powers gives you more problems than answers. Just go with your heart, open your heart, follow it, you will not go wrong.

In the coming months, observe the people around you, observe the happenings around the world, observe the animals, animals are very sensitive to energy, they will be the first to react to the energy. Become more aware, you will be able to sense changes as the energy changes, if you dowse, dowse to neutralize the ill effect of global warming, ask that healing energy be sent to repair the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Dowse to transmute fear, shame, guilt, anger, jealousy, greed, war, terrorism into Love and Gratitude. Energize water daily, by dowsing or by other methods and share this with others.
Transmute the Spirit of Greed from all food and drinks sold in our country into Love and Gratitude, this may be one of the easiest way to remove greed from our society.

I can only share with you, it is up to you to do it, so please have the passion to help and take up the torch and light the way.

Thank you


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