Wednesday 10 June 2015

Spiritual Path

If you have read yesterday's posting, you should be a very happy person or maybe a very confused one. What are your thoughts after you have read the article? How about sharing your views with me, write me or send me an email, I would love to hear from you.

I notice that people who are not doing some spiritual practice have a lower sense of awareness of what is happening around them, some are not even aware of their immediate surrounding and energy. However for people who have started doing some spiritual practice they will start developing a sense of awareness of the energy around them, they will start to worry about positive and negative energy, some may start by checking the feng shui of their home, some may take up meditation, some start doing yoga, reiki and other modalities. Any practice is better than no practice, they start becoming aware that there is another dimension that they have not taken notice of, exist side by side with them all the time.

If you have started on your own spiritual path, you should be congratulated, you have started an extraordinary journey for yourself, one that leads you deeper into your own soul. It is not easy path, you will be facing many of your inner fears, you may even have to give up being who you think you are. It is always good to start slow, do not rush things, do not be greedy by doing or learning many modalities at the same time. Every method works, just be patient, stick with one practice for a few years and if you feel that it is not suitable then look for another. You are not going anywhere, you are still a human being living out your life, so take your time enjoy yourself, learn to smell the roses. Everything has many dimension within, explore each carefully and patiently and discover for yourself of the many wonders you will find in everything.

Yesterday, I took someone out to the open field behind my school project and told him to look into the clouds, and he was surprised that he saw fairies on the clouds, then I told him to look into the sun, he managed to get closed but back off because he felt that it was too hot. Then I got him to stand behind a wall, got another guy to stand on the other side of the wall, I told him to project his energy through the wall and the other guy bounced off. We had a good time laughing over the whole episode, but this demonstrated that if you are open and accepting you can do so much with energy. Anyone can do it, no training is required, just a willingness to believe that you can and you will be able to do miracles in your life.

Thank you

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