Monday 23 November 2015


The subject of free will has widely been debated among spiritual people, and many views of this subject has been expressed and debated, what is free will, do we have free will, what is total free will, how is free will expressed, these are some of the questions frequently asked.
What is free will to you, if given total free will, how would you live your life, will you live differently?

Think about the above, what if I tell you that to have total free will is to do nothing, no planning for your life, no pain, no struggles, just visualize whatever you need and want, Be Happy!

'You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real Self.

Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from them

You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past'


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