Wednesday 16 December 2015

My Experience in the Hospital

It has been an interesting experience for me for the last two weeks, all the time I thought I was suffering from gastric, but I experience a heart failure. I had always been an active person, and my diet isn't too high in fats. Besides I regularly dowse for health issues checking for any anomalies present, when I started to experience discomfort, I would dowse to reset the body functions and I would have some relief from the pain. Eventually, the body malfunction and my family doctor told me that I had to go to the hospital, because he suspect that I am having something very serious, hastily wrote me a referral and sent me off to the hospital.

In the hospital, I was probe and tested, blood was drawn and ECG was done, later in the evening, another ECG was done and I was told I had to be warded. I was push to a holding area to wait for the next available bed at the ward, it was almost 5 am when they pushed me into the ward, the doctors came by, did their check and told me that I am having a heart failure, medication was administered and heart scan was scheduled together with angioplasty for the next day. So here I am lying in bed with plenty of time to observe my surroundings, except for the occasional checks by the nurses, there wasn't much to do.

I was feeling quite happy throughout, like going through a new experience, I was having a kind of 3rd person's view of the whole scene,  The whole experience wasn't traumatizing, everything just seem to fall in place, I was like watching myself going through the process, going through the treatments with a strange sensation, as if it wasn't real.
I had my pendulum with me all the time while I was hospitalized, so I had the opportunity to check for energy levels and other things, I was surprise that the energy level was positive at the ward although not very high but positive.

An interesting thing happen for one of my fellow patient, this person was in the final stage of cancer, so the doctors had informed the family to be prepared. He was lying on the bed that was directly opposite mine, so I could see him directly in front. On my second day, I noticed that a column of light was over him, but I saw that his soul was staying in his body, the column lasted for a few hours and disappeared, the next day, I saw his soul standing outside his body, it looks like it was waiting for the light, but the light did not come, so the soul kept staying outside looking upwards to the heavens.
On the third day, I seem to hear from the soul that he was going to leave today and he wanted his favorite set of clothing to be bought to him. I told his wife about this and she was quite surprised, she told me that he had requested his favorite set of clothes to be bought to him. I did not know what happened that day, because I was discharged.

I am sure there is a reason for this little adventure, I am taking each day as a gift from the divine, and learning to allow myself to be loved and to love the people who means the most to me.

Thank you

You don't have to take the bad with the good. Why include the bad in the vibration? Only include the good in the vibration, and then only the good can come to you.

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