Thursday 13 August 2015

A Little Magic

Listening to a radio show recently featuring Lloyd Mear, he talked about using numbers to eliminate physical problems. One of the interesting subject discussed, was about his wife, he mentioned that his wife had pain in her joints, and she was using a medication known as joint compound, but instead of taking these pills, she placed a dozen of these in a plastic bag and kept them in her left pocket and her pain disappeared. After sometime the pain would return and she would load a new patch and placed them in her left pocket and she is good again. Lloyd dowsed the used pills and found that they are now dead. He mentioned that our left side absorbed energy, so placing the pills in her left pocket, she absorbed the medication without having to take them therefore avoiding the side-effects of the pills.

How strongly you believe in something determines the results you get, if keeping pills in your left pocket can stop pain, how about expanding this idea further, put things you want to attract in your left hand or pocket to absorb the energy and attract more of to yourself. It is all about your intentions and imagination, become a magician, create the things and the world you want, stop looking for excuses, you are special, an energy being capable of creating anything, you just did not know this.

Another tip I picked up from Lloyd was to raise and stabilize the potential of an energy or number to 300,000 times. Let me explain, usually I would ask my dowsing to raise my energy to the highest most appropriate level for my best good. This works well, but sometimes I have to do so twice a day, he use the word 'stabilize' and this would make the energy last for a longer time, the other thing was to raise it to 300,000 times, this is of course optional, you may not always want energy that is too high for you. You can check for yourself how high you want the energy to be, and then request it, say to a 100 times or 1000 times or of course to the highest level for your best good.
Below is the link to the radio talk show, hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Thank you

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