Thursday 27 August 2015


“Love has not a secondary interpretation. Love is Love. There is nothing
in the system of fundamental World looking like “close to Love” or
something looking like Love...Where the love is, the negative events system is impossible in principle"
From the workshop of Grigori Grabovoi on July 25, 2003. “Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about Love”

Last night I was at a funeral wake, met my nephew and start chatting about beliefs, he talked to me about his christian faith, share about his experiences on how Jesus has help him when he was addicted to computer games. He asked me if i had heard about the gospel, so I told him that I have, he did not know that I was baptized many years ago, way before he was born. So I shared a little of the bible with him and he was totally thrown out of balance, he was shocked to find out that his uncle knew more about Jesus than he had imagine. It is all fine, sharing about God and love, but what I notice was that all his knowledge and what he said was not all from his heart, he was repeating what he heard in Church, I felt that he did not develop a deep relationship with God, and Sin was a very big hangup for him. Time went by quickly and he had to attend class the next morning, so we said our goodbyes and left for our homes.
One of the subject we discussed was prayer, I shared with him that we should be in prayer all the time, even when we are in a conversation, we should have God in our mind, and if we get into difficulty during a conversation with a difficult person, we can silently pray that all issues be dissolve immediately. This has worked for me many times, God is listening and responding to you each and every moment, Raymon Grace shared a story in his book about meeting with a fierce lady for negotiations with a friend, he imagine that honey was pour over her and making her sweet, when she went to the ladies, he imagined that all her aggression would be flushed away in the toilet. It worked for him and the lady came back and agreed with everything and signed an agreement in favor of Raymon's friend. Using your imagination is like a prayer using visuals, you see the things you want to happen and God will deliver them for you.
'Ask and it is Given, seek and ye shall find'
“We have a lamp inside us, the lamp of mindfulness, which we can light anytime. The oil of that lamp is our breathing, our steps, and our peaceful smile.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

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