Tuesday 11 November 2014

Social Freedom - An Idea

Your mind is everything, if you are caught up with ideas or beliefs you will be unable to have true wisdom. If you are into some religion, ask yourself what does your religion mean to you, if it means something, you maybe caught up with a concept. Get it clear, whatever belief that makes you behave in a certain manner is your own idea or perception of your belief in the system that you call religion.

We are all born naked, yet when we grow up we put on clothing, to cover our modesty, why? Are we ashamed of our bodies? There is no correct answers, just beliefs and rules that society has place upon us. You have the the option to follow or not to, it is knowing that there is an option that has somehow escape the people's minds.

A friend sent me an article with some charts and graphs showing how the energy of the earth has gone way up high over the last few years, he was very excited about this charts and graphs because he thought that they were data taken by some measuring equipment, so I pointed out to him that in the article it was stated that all the data came from someone using dowsing. This dampen his enthusiasm immediately, although he was a dowser, but his heart is more based on science, a techie of computer engineering. What is the difference between data taken by dowsing and taken by a machine, many times it has been proven that dowsing data are more accurate then those taken by machines. The truth of the matter is his belief system, he is unable to fully trust his intuition because of the training and conditioning he received from school and society.

Try this dowsing command, if you want to remove social conditioning- 'Please neutralize the negative effects of all social conditioning upon me. Thank you.' 'Please neutralize all negative mental programs that adversely affect me. Thank you.' By using the above, you could be free yourself from the hold that society have upon you without being branded a rebel or a mental case.

Have A Great Day!

Thank you.

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