Monday 20 July 2015

Daily Dowsing

We all cried when we came into this planet, but it is important, that at least when we go, we are happy and smiling. Do not have regrets in life. You should feel that, 'I have done what I had to do, and whenever the time to leave this body comes, I will die happily'.

There is so much changes in the energy for the last few days, I wonder what is coming up, many people have come down under the weather we are now experiencing.

Here are a few dowsing commands that might be helpful to stay healthy. Use daily as a preventive for yourself and your family.

'Neutralize the negative effects of the weather upon our body for me and my family.'
'Transmute all toxins in my body into pure water or love for me and my family.'
'Transmute all non beneficial Spirits of Emotions affecting me into pure water or love for me and my family.'
'Transmute all biological, chemical, and radiological pollutants in my body into pure water or love for me and my family.'
'Transmute all harmful pathogens including virus, bacterial, germs, fungi, and parasites into pure water for me and my family.'
'Please balance our immune system for me and my family.'
'Please balance our respiratory system for me and my family.'
'Please balance both our immune system and respiratory again for synergy with one another.'
'Please adjust our body chemistry and PH balance to the most appropriate level for our best good.'
'Please make all the cells of our body compatible with each other and let them spin in the proper direction.'
'Please center, balance and align our assemblage point.'
'Please neutralize all ill effects of mass consciousness upon me and my family.'
'Please neutralize all ill effects of all food and drinks me and my family consume upon us.'

The above commands will be helpful, especially during this period of time, natural disasters may not affect everyone but pathogens, pollutants affect you everyday of your life, with all the greed going on around the world, it is also important to neutralize the food and water we have everyday as there is no telling what is in the food and water that is sold commercially.

Thank you


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