Monday 13 July 2015

Quotes from Avatar

Trying to make someone happy who doesn't want to be happy is like searching for a bird nest on the ground.
Happiness is not by accident. Happiness is on purpose. Happiness is not by chance. Happiness is by choice. Happiness is a study. It is a practice. Happiness is an art and anybody who wants to can study the art of weaving their own happiness."
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.

Recently I notice that negative ego has become quite an issue for the people around me, any subject bought up will be argued to the cows come home. I was wondering if this had to do with the changing energy. I checked and found that the energy rising up is affecting people, in way it is a sort of cleansing, pushing out the fear deep inside a person. Fear can manifest, masked as anger, as righteousness, as low self esteem and can cause a person to become very defensive. 
Another thing I notice over the last week, was a hike in the numbers of negative entities, I found them all over the place and people around these places. Last night, before leaving for home, I had to use the toilet at my workplace, when I walked in, a worker was having his bath, he look up at me when I went in and I could see from his eyes that he was possessed, I went about my business of using the toilet and left him. When I was out of my workplace, I checked with my pendulum and I was right, he was possessed and there was many entities in the toilet too. I removed them and this morning, the energy of the toilet is much better. 
The changes of energy can be quite adhoc, so it is good to learn to feel energy, learn to look within yourself, and not outwards at others. Remember how it feels when you are happy and in good energy, so any contradictory feeling will let you know that there are some energy changes going on. You can change energy simply by prayer or affirmations, you need not know what is exactly affecting you, just affirm that you are Bright, Happy, Healthy and Prosperous now. 
Thank you

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