Friday 18 September 2015

Marriage and Relationship

Sharing about Marriage and Relationship
Yesterday was our 38th Wedding Anniversary.
Someone asked me what the secret is to a successful marriage. Below are a few of my thoughts...
Perhaps it is about simply allowing each other to BE.
No judgments.
Always PUT LOVE and the relationship first.
Never take action when you are in a negative emotional state. (Actions taken when feeling negative will always move you farther away from your goals.)
If something they do bothers it yourself (i.e., I started squeezing the toothpaste tube in the middle when it drove me crazy that he did that).
Accept and LOVE them exactly as they are...and exactly as they are not (meaning LOVE them anyway, even if they don't always remember to take out the trash, tell you you're beautiful, remember your anniversary, etc.)
Remember all the happy times.
Become a spin doctor, giving the tales you tell and retell a positive perspective.
Life becomes what you think about the most, so keep your LOVE story alive with LOVE tales, spoken and unspoken.
BE as naughty in the bedroom as you are NICE outside it.
Gods can worship Gods
Become God to each other. Do not look for God somewhere in the sky, but see God in every pair of eyes, in the mountains, water, trees and animals. How? Only when you see God in yourself. Only Gods can worship Gods. To recognize divinity, there are three dimensions: time, space and mind. For a seeker, it is necessary to honor time and space so he or she can experience sacredness in his or her mind. When you honor time and space, your mind becomes alert. But for the one who has transcended the mind, either sacredness has no meaning, or all time, every place and every mood is sacred. Precious moments are few in life. Catch them and treasure them. Place, time, mood of mind are factors that influence celebration. Snatch every opportunity to celebrate, then you feel great and full. Then celebration infiltrates your mind in all moods and space, and celebration is inevitable. Celebration reminds you of the fullness of the moment. The moments you are in the company of knowledge - the Master - are the most precious moments in your life. Treasure them. Treasuring them you transcend the mind, time and space. And that is true celebration.

Ques: Why is a girl’s life so full of sacrifice and adjustments, especially after marriage?
‪#‎SriSri‬: Is it so? I heard the other way around! I heard the boys feel that they have no freedom afterwards. They have to take permission for everything!

Ques: When I see people disrespect their parents I feel hurt. What is your message for such people?
#SriSri: I would advise on both sides. Parents should also remember their limitations and stay in their own boundary and children should definitely walk that extra mile to make the parents comfortable. They have to do all that in their capacity to make them happy. But you know if sometimes it so happens, in spite of people trying all their best, still the parents keep cribbing. You cannot bow down to everything in that sense. But they can walk that extra mile to make them happy.

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