Sunday 4 October 2015


I would like to share some memories of my earlier life, I hope that what I shared may help others with similar backgrounds to have an understanding of the energetic perspective that has happen to me.
I was four when my dad died of liver cancer, leaving behind my mum and two younger brothers, along with my maternal grandparents, my mum had a hard time bring us up. My childhood was quite happy despite of this, I remembered that I had a Indian family for a neighbor, and I would spend my time playing with their son who was about my age. He taught me about herbs that his mum has planted in their backyard and he would pluck them for me to try. The other neighbors were also very helpful, one of them would take us to our kindergarten in his car every day and I remember riding to kindergarten in a car  that resembles the 'Bat mobile'.

After a few years my mum exhausted the savings left by my dad, and we had to sell the house and moved to a rented house away from the richer district we formerly lived. At this new place, we were living among less to do people, and soon I picked up my very own poverty mentalities, people were always talking about being short of this and that, and they were living day to day, many times we had our electric supply cut-off because we could not pay our bills.

We stayed at this place for six over years, during which I remembered one of the neighbor's dad died because he overwork himself despite having TB. There was little food on the table because my mum could not make ends meet. While living at this place, I remembered an interesting thing, my younger brother would wake up in the night, and bring out his toys to play with an imagery friend, later we found out that he was playing with a young soul who had pass away in our house before we moved in.

Things improved as I got older and started working, and by chance my mum 'inherited' a business from her boss because he had no one to handover to before he died on the operation table undergoing a heart surgery. We have also moved to a new flat in a new town developed by the government with uncompleted amenities and many time we had to walk home because buses were too crowded to get on.

With a higher source of income, both my younger brothers managed to earn their degree, I have since left school and was unable to do so. At this time, I had entered the army on national service, and had no interest to further my education. After two years I left the army, and started working on various odd jobs but ended working in the construction industry for the last thirty two years.

Looking back at my past, I had always wondered why my dad had left me early, and if I knew what I know now about energy would things had been different for me and my family. In meditation I did managed to talk to my dad and asked him why he left, and he told me it was part of my own life plan, so that I could be what I am today. I am most grateful to him for allowing me to achieve my own spiritual potential and for gift of my life.

In 2005, I learned of dowsing when a friend of mine loan me Raymon's book ' The future is Yours' and I pick it up, later I met a teacher and friend who helped me have a deeper understanding of dowsing, he, himself was a student of Raymon's whom he met a few years ago in the States. Once I learnt how to dowse I saw the potential to use this to heal many issues related to my life. I learnt from Raymon's techniques that you could go back in time into the past to heal any outstanding issues and correct the frequencies and energy at that time, scramble and adjust these to the most appropriate energy to have a healing and bring these to the present and into the future. After doing so a corresponding effect would usually happen in the present time. I was like a child with a new toy, cleaning out the past and putting things back into proper order for me and my family.

A few years back, I decided that I could help more people if I shared this knowledge, and so started to write this blog, it is my intention that everyone will be equipped with this knowledge and able to help themselves, their family, friends and others. I am still learning, still in the process of changing for the better and I hope that everyone too can have a Happier journey through life by using the simple techniques I humbly offer on my blog.

Thank you


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