Monday 4 August 2014

Acceptance X August Energies


Yesterday started fine for me, had coffee with a friend, did my reports, and reply a few emails, all was good till it was afternoon. Things started to move quickly without any warning people were looking for me, some unexpected incidents happen and well I got very busy with many people all at the same time.

Usually I would have lose my cool, but somehow I decided to relax, step aside and let the energy take care of things for me by saying a prayer. 'All is well and I am in the right time and place for my best good.'
Everything worked out well including a late night visit from an old friend who decided to come see me out of the blues. Acceptance is important first step, once there is acceptance (accepting people as they are and present moment is inevitable) there is peace, you are not fighting the energy, you can even use the energy to your advantage.  

You can check the level of acceptance in your body and in your home, some times it is low and you need to bring it up to 100%. Another thing that recently came to my attention is some of the people that came to see me had a low percentage of nature spirit in their body, so check for yourself if your nature spirit is 100% in your body, if not ask your dowsing if the nature spirit is willing to return to your body if you get a 'yes' simply ask the nature spirit to return to your body and raise the energy to 100%.

Among the people that appear to me yesterday, 2 of them wanted to know if they had entities affecting them, and if the place they are staying is free of negative entities. I did a clearing for them and explain to them about energy fields, taught them some simple breathing techniques that is helpful to increase their energy and improve their auras. One of them told me that there were 2 suicides that happen at the block she was staying in a month, and this explains the color and energy of of her aura that I saw when she first step in my office.

Love Alan

August 2014 Energies!       

What a month July was, the world went crazy and on top of trying to get our heads round everything that was going on, we also got our own personal share of chaos from all the energy downloads we received.  These energy downloads were intense and not only made our heads spin, but our bodies too!  We are all still in the process of integrating all this new energy we have received, so be gentle with yourself for the next few days.  We get a reprieve up until around the 4th August, before the energy changes again, so enjoy the next few days off!
August is a puzzling month in some ways and I’m sitting here wondering how I explain it all!  August on one hand feels a bit like the calm before the storm, yet on the other hand August is going to have its fair share of crazy energy at times!  I feel that the best way to give you some idea of what will happen in August is to share some of the key dates when I feel the energy will either shift or grow in its intensity.  I don’t normally do this, but this feels the right thing to do for this month as there are so many things going on it is hard to explain in words!
Here are the dates:
4th/5th August – Energy Shift
7th to 12th August – Intensity Increases (10th August is a big Super-moon!)
19th/20th August – Energy Shift
22nd to 26th August – Intensity Increases (25th August is a new moon)
As you can see from the dates above, August will be up and down with the energy shifts and intensities coming through!  We will get some more energy downloads again this month, but they will be towards the middle and end of the month.
I am getting through from Spirit “Expect the unexpected this month!”  Spirit is showing me images of joy and happiness along with images of more craziness in the world, so it will be a very mixed month in terms of emotions!  Spirit are also saying “Roll with the punches”, so I feel that we do need to keep things in perspective this month and try as best we can to go with the flow!
The energy of August does contain all the ingredients to help keep us focused, motivated and committed to what we want to achieve for the future as the energy can help us realise our true potential, however, this will not come without some hard work from us!  We may need to dig deep during key periods this month to find the strength and power we all have inside of us to make sure we stay on track.  If we resist the changes that are coming thick and fast in our lives, we will find the continued energy shifts and downloads much harder to deal with.
The challenge we all face is to not to try and control how life unfolds, but to trust in the process through self-love and self-worth so that we become capable of surrender. We all feel at times that our journey’s are incredibly hard and think why is it always so difficult?  When we view it this way the journey becomes harder still as we have not surrendered!  Surrendering to the outcome and leaving our expectations behind is the hard part not the journey itself!  All of us sometimes make our molehills into mountains and so the true challenge we face is being able to let go of our control, which is based on our fears.  Use the energies of August to help you let go, relax and allow life to do what it does best, which is flow.
I will also be writing little energy updates in-between my blogs on my Facebook page and you can also check out my attunement events here too.  The next one is 7th August and is the Unicorn Energy Healing System, so I hope to see you there.  Here is the link if you would like to be kept updated! VIOLET-LIGHT
Until next time, have a blissful month.
Love Sarah ♥

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