Tuesday 26 August 2014

Sharing A Gift.

I have been very busy over the last few days, had some renovations done to the house, attended a homan at a temple, also busy studying for a course I am attending. The energy was very high on Sunday, I wonder how many felt the same, anyway I hope everyone is doing your regular dowsing and making yourself comfortable. 

I like to share this which I got from Mr.Ken Bloom, it is a mental water filter from Raymon Grace.

Keep in mind this is an energetic water filter, thus the name Mental.
Please keep in mind the principles that Raymon’s work is based on:
All things are composed of energy and the intelligent human mind has the
ability to direct energy.
Energy is impressed upon matter.
Energy follows thought.
If you wish to improve the taste and quality of water in your house, you may
consider mentally installing a Mental Water Filter and Energizer.
Will this work for everyone, probably not, if you apply Raymon’s basic principals,
it probably will. Remember one of Raymon’s sayings,
“as you believe, so shall it be”.

let’s get to work, I have attached a drawing to help with the explanation
and to help focus your intent.

Visualize your house, running in front or beside your house is a main water line,
a smaller water line connects to the main and supplies your house with water.
If you live in an apartment, visualize the pipes coming into your apartment. 

On your supply line close to the house imagine installing a mental water filter,
just as in the diagram or what ever shape you wish. Now put the intent in the water
filter that it will filter out, Greed, Demonic forces, Negative entities, Negative thought
forms, Chlorine, other pollutants and anything else you think is important. Also 
make the filter self cleaning.

Now lets put intent into the energetic mental water energizer that we will install next,
a little closer to the house, again any size or shape you wish.

Use your intent and put in the Sprit of water, Good taste, Proper surface tension,
Love, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Prosperity and Freedom.
You may add or subtract anything you wish, make the filter self energizing.

You may program the filter or energizer at anytime that you feel something needs added.

Hope that has been of some help and wish you success improving your water.

Also sending positive Qi to help with your dowsing solutions.

Love Alan.

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