Friday 29 August 2014

Sharing about Hot/Cold Energy

Recently I was checking my own energy, and the idea of hot and cold energy came to me, in traditional chinese medicine, there is things like dampness, coldness, heatiness and combinations of these three states and is diagnosed by feeling your pulse. For example if there is heat and dampness in the lungs, you might experience coughing with thick phlegm. The hot and cold energy I am talking about is different from TCM, it is more related to higher level energy or soul energy.

I do not have a clear understanding of this myself, if anyone have more information of this hot/cold energy please share with all of us.

I shared about this hot/cold energy with a friend and he came back with a theory that due to the changing of energy and uplifting of humanity to 5D, our bodies are subjected to constant changes in dimensional energy, thus hot/cold energy is experienced. You can dowse if this information is accurate and if your own hot/cold energy is balance.

There are many things taking place or happening due to all these energy changes, me, my wife and son have seen light beings moving around, and I am not talking about entities here. My friend's pet dog would bark for no reasons, as if she was seeing someone unfamiliar in the house. He told me that he has seen light beings moving around too. I am not sure what is going on here but there is definitely something going on.

Thank you.

Love Alan

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