Sunday 28 December 2014

Peace of Mind

With dowsing we can monitor ourselves, we are able to change the future for the better. How do we do this? We can ask our dowsing system if there are negative probable future that might affect us and change them, what is negative probable future, let us take a look at this.

The future is raw, pure energy and when our thoughts meet with this energy it becomes our reality, as we are affected by emotions such as fear, we sometimes manifest fear in our future without realizing it.

Luckily, there is a time gap between your thoughts and the manifestation of these thoughts into reality, so we may be afraid of some issues now, but it only manifest into our reality some time in the future.

We can use dowsing to check for this, by asking if there is negative probable future and if you get a 'yes' response from your dowsing instrument, you can ask to neutralize this and change it to beneficial energies.

This is very useful if you are setting out for a trip, always check for negative probable future, if there is ask if it could be neutralize, and if it cannot be neutralize please postpone the trip.

You can also check for the emotional outcome of a trip, if it is low or in the negative side of the scale , ask if this can be changed, again if it cannot be change please postpone the trip.

Everyday check your energy level, make sure that it is at a 100%, if it isn't dowse to find out why, are there negative energies or forces affecting your energy field. Regular checks throughout the day or at least once in the morning will go a long way towards your well being for you and your family.

Energy shifts are quite regular recently, due to many factors affecting earth and level of consciousness of man, we are going through a tough time. Mass consciousness is one of the energy that will greatly affect many people. (Please neutralize the negative effects of mass consciousness upon me and my family and friends. Thank you.)

I am not attempting to spread fear, shame and guilt to people, I am just pointing out that the world is changing rapidly and energy is following along. Regular cleaning of your own energy field will help to keep you safe and sound.

We are composed of these 4 parts - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, you cannot be whole if one of these components isn't ideal for you. Your spirit strives for balance in all of these 4 areas, so it is important to check that all 4 components are at 100%. Use you dowsing instrument and dowsing chart to determine that all 4 areas in your life is 100% balance daily.


If you wait until your body is completely dehydrated before you drink something or completely emaciated before you eat something, your body can get far out of balance.While it is possible to eventually bring your body back to a state of well-being—it is much easier to maintain a healthy physical balance than to recover it after losing it.
Most people never put themselves into the dramatic situation where they are without water or food to the point of doing damage to their physical bodies; however, it is not uncommon for people to deprive their bodies of something equally important: alignment with Source Energy.
In the same way that it is a good idea to drink when you feel the indication of thirst—and therefore maintain your Well-Being long before dehydration is experienced—it is equally important to change the thought and release resistance at the first indication of negative emotion. For while it is certainly possible to withstand negative emotion for long periods of time, it is not the optimal experience for the cells of your physical body.
When you learn to release resistance in the early, subtle stages, your physical body must thrive. Thriving is what is natural to you.

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