Friday 6 March 2015

Negative Entities

Entities are actually quite a problem at present with most humans being the home for one or more. With our senses being so dull due to such crystallized astral and weak etheric bodies we can only feel the effects of the entity. Often these effects will be lack of energy, depression, anxiety and all types of other negative emotions. We assume that these emotions are our own and therefore have no idea that an entity is causing such problems. Actually the entity isn't the sole cause of the problems. To attract an entity you must first resonate with it to some degree. So you had some feelings of loneliness or whatever and so did the entity. This is what attracted it and so your initial negative emotions are amplified by the entity and it also drains your etheric energy making it harder to stay on top of such negative emotions.
An entity can only get into your energy if there is a weak spot or hole in your aura. Most people have some weak spots which become worse when under pressure or emotional stress. It is due to ego structure and astral crystallization that weak spots occur. In fact the very nature of Astral Substance attracts entities. When it comes to Astral Substance, like attracts like so you have a situation where different types of Astral Substance pool together and keep on attracting more. This is how the negative astral planes have been created, basically all the negative energies have come together to create negative dimensions of Astral Substance, usually of a very low and chaotic vibration. Intoxication by alcohol or other drugs is a common way to resonate with these negative astral planes and attract entities into your energy. In pubs and clubs you will find a strong connection to such planes and an abundance of entities looking for a potential host.

I am sharing the above because I feel the same and that is negative entities 

have increased and have become more active. I have detected more of them 

recently and they are affecting people causing them to behave abnormally,

I am unable to explain what constitute as abnormal behaviors but if you pay 

attention to the people you meet in your day you will notice something. As the 

above mentioned, you should check for holes in your energy field as these 

is where entities enter.

You can use energy testing to check for holes in you energy field, if you do not dowse. (watch video to learn about muscle testing.)

Negative entities can cause you to lose energy and over longer period of time 

you will lose life-force energy too. Life usually improve when they are removed 

and even diseases are healed just by having them removed. If you dowse, just 

ask your spirit guides to remove them, and sent them to where they are 

supposed to go. If you are not sure what to do, you can watch this video and 

have the intention that it will work for you.

Wishing everyone a Great Weekend Ahead!

Love and Gratitude


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