Sunday 15 March 2015

The Secret of Perfect Living

"Your subconscious mind works twenty-four hours a day and makes provisions for your benefit, pouring all the fruit of your habitual thinking into your lap… NEVER finish a negative statement; reverse it immediately, and wonders will happen in your life."
Joseph Murphy

Over the weekend, I was reading my new book, 'The Secret of Perfect Living.' by James T. Mangan. It is a book about switchwords and how Mr. Mangan discover the use of switchwords. The first switchwords that he use was 'Together' , he explained that it a word to get the sub-conscious mind and conscious mind to work together. It is also called the Master switch word, you can just say together and the switch will turn on, like a light switch, flick on the switch and you expect the light to come on, hence the name switchwords. 
He mentioned that all the experiences that you ever need to solve every problem you encounter are all in your subconscious mind, like a factory with all the machinery that was forgotten and not put to good use. He discovered that certain words will turn on this factory in you and run all the machinery in the factory so that you can put them in to good use for yourself. The switch-word to do this is 'Together' so just try it, keep this word on your mind for today, saying it silently or out loud occasionally and see if you can feel any difference for yourself. 
(You can get the list of switch-words from
A very interesting book to read with many examples on how to use these switch-words, I found that certain switch word are more efficient for me than others, here is what I mean, the word 'COUNT' is to attract money, but it doesn't work in my case, I found that the word 'CANCEL' was more effective, not because it attracted money instead it cancels out unwanted manifesting and negative thoughts. After using 'CANCEL' things started to move along smoothly for me, and I was less bothered by unwanted issues happening for me.
Another word I like to mention is the word 'REACH', yesterday my wife was looking for some thing in our store room, it is a small room but you will never believe the mountain of stuff we have in there. As she could not locate what she wanted she called out to me to help her look for it. I did not get up from my seat but just said the word 'REACH' and was prepared to get up when she exclaimed ' I found it'. Well could it be a coincident or the power of a switch word? You try them out yourself, don't be bothered with the meaning of each word just flick it like a switch and watch the magic come.

Almost forgot here's the link for Raymon's latest newsletter-

Thank you

Together Love and Gratitude


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