Monday 4 November 2013

Heart Level Awareness

How are feeling? Did you lose your temper this week? Well I lost it several time, the energy seem to be affecting my emotions strongly. I guess I am just human and will be affected by the change of energy as with everyone else. 
I share an article sent to me by my good friend and mentor, please enjoy.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.


There are so many aspects to The Event. It is by no means just one day of one thing happening for example - a New Financial System - the end of poverty on Earth – the end of disease on Earth - Peace on Earth - a clean environment - Free Energy - I could go on and on - but here today what I would like to ‘discuss’ is the fact that the time of the Event is the true time of Ascension.
Many of us Lightworkers believed that the 21/12/2012 was ‘the’ date regarding the Ascension – the day many of us would become – cross over – from being 4th Dimensional to becoming 5th Dimensional in nature. Much was written about this process and how it would be experienced – felt - on that magical day.
Many did experience another level of awareness at that time and in the following weeks and months and indeed this process of Ascension is an on-going process for the whole of mankind at different levels of awareness because of the Divine Light that we are exposed to in steadily increasing amounts now for at least a year.
To be able to communicate my own thoughts and understanding of the subject of Light and dark I am giving you a scale - a kind of mathematical measurement that hopefully can bring some more clarity to this process.
So let’s say that we look at something that we call‘Heart Consciousness Awareness’ levels. This scale is something that I myself have usedto ask questions from my Guide as to how far I myself and others might have come on this scale measurement of heart consciousness levels of awareness.
Everything is about awareness really.
We as humans have been created by Mother Father One – in Their Likeness – we are Divine Beings having a human experience and this scale that I will attempt to explain is to show how we can be aware on different levels as to ‘Who we really are’.

Heart Consciousness Level Awareness Scale 0 to 33 

When discussing the various players in this drama playing out on Gaia – our beautiful Earth - at this time - we oftentimes use the terms Light and dark. To help myself to understand the dark side and for that matter the in-between grey side I have used a table. On this table the scale from

0 to 13 has been a measure of the ‘darker’ human awareness level,
14-16 the ‘grey’, and
17 and upwards the Light.
The measure of having reached the level of Christ Consciousness – or if you like the level where we ‘cross over’ to becoming 5th dimensional in nature has been designated 33 and above on this scale.
Many of you will already be aware if you have studied numerology that 33 has been attributed to Christ Consciousness. In answer to questions I have posed as to the level of Heart Consciousness Awareness that some individuals have had - the highest I have been given for anyone here on Earth has been 59 and I can say that thatis very rare here on Earth.
Closed Hearts
So what I am trying to convey here is that those darker individuals are simply less aware of who they truly are – that they are Divine souls having a 3D experience. Then we have the question why do some individuals have - at the lower end of the scale ‘closed hearts’ – that is in saying - why have they closed off their hearts to having emotionally truthful experiences with other individuals? – well the reasons are and you all know this - because of their earlier experiences  whatever they might have been. At some point in their soul development they decided it was ‘safer’ or ‘stronger’ or whatever to exist with their heart awareness closed off.
This way of thinking has been a help to me, helped me to understand people in my life that I would not otherwise have been able to understand at all.
Closing your heart means that you survive here through being tough – through being in control of things – being ‘on top’ of situations – needing to find security in things like money – wealth – power and not to show signs of weakness – of emotions and so forth.
To grow in Spirit – to grow in Heart Level Awareness means to be open to who you are – to accept yourself unconditionally – to love yourself unconditionally as the Divine soul that you are – to become aware of your I AM - God Presence – to feel worthy of being one with God with Source.
Many years ago I made a decision to leave a Spiritual Path that I had been following ‘religiously’ – vegetarian – no alcohol – daily meditation etc. for 17 years. It was a difficult choice as I had looked upon my Teacher as being an incarnation of God on Earth. I wanted to leave it all behind and I was not sure any longer if I really believed that this path was what I had been searching for. Finally I could take the leap and leave the path because I concluded that “if this Teacher is a representative of God on Earth – if He truly is this higher Spiritual Being then He will continue to Love me unconditionally even if I renounce the path and Him as a Teacher.
Being in the Heart is Everything
A huge part of Little Grandmothers {Keisha Crowther’s} mission at this time has been to remind us all that “We are the ones we have been waiting for” that “When we live from our Heart we become so much more intelligent” she has been asking us to try to remember who we are at this time and why we wanted to be here on Earth at this very special time – a time when many others would have liked to incarnate here to see these enormous changes but who were not chosen to do so because we who are here are “the strongest of the strongest”. 

An Unimaginably Enormous Leap Forward in Heart Consciousness Awareness levels at the time of The Event.

 I have been informed via questions I have asked of Spirit that at the time of The Event when a Mass Ascension will take place simultaneously on Earth that every individual on this planet will take a leap forward on the ‘heart consciousness awareness level scale’ wherever they now find themselves. I am told that this leap will be like moving forward 3 points in Heart level awareness. So let’s take a person who is darker on the scale at 12, they will suddenly have the awareness of someone at level 15 {in the grey zone} and someone ‘grey’ at level 15 will suddenly have a Light awareness level of 18.
Some Playful Speculation with Numbers
Here is some more speculation with numbers that is merely an attempt to give you an idea as to how big this awakening is – how far this becoming 5th Dimensional has proceeded so far, as giving exact numbers is impossible here: The numbers here could be somewhat less or a lot more than these examples.
Let’s say in the middle of 2012 about a year ago, that an average of 90,000 people on Earth were already into {or on the border of} the so called 5th Dimension awareness. {Each dimension has about 10 – 12 levels of awareness}. About 50+ % of humanity is of a Light heart level awareness {17 and above}. All of these humans are already 4th Dimensional in nature with an average level of 4.3 – 4.6.
What you have to remember here is that Gaia is already a 5th Dimensional planet now and it is we who are ‘catching up’ on Her lead. So in getting back to our speculating experiment;
December 2012 the 90,000 humans would have increased by say 2-3 times
February 2013 this number 90,000 would have increased 4-5 times
April 2013 the number would have increased 7-8 times
May 2013 {Goddess finally anchored on this planet at Portal opening in May} the number would have increased 12-13 times
June 2013 by 14-15 times
July 2013 by 17-18 times
August 2013 by 19-20 times
So let’s speculate that there are now close to 2 million already functioning as 5th dimensional beings – or on the upper levels of the 4th Dimension. Whatever that number might be at the time of The Event – and here I mean people who are at a level of 4.7 and upwards will suddenly find themselves at the Time of the Event gliding over to a 5th dimensional experience. Here we are talking about millions of people like say 90 to 100 million people suddenly ascending en masse to the 5th Dimension.
During an average life experience here on Earth {and by this remember I am talking about our old 3-4 Dimensional Earth lifetimes} - in the best case scenario’s - humans can on average move up on the heart level awareness scale by about 3-4 points. So what I am saying here is that people’s movement forward in awareness levels at the time of the Event would be the equivalent of a lifetime of normal development in awareness, happening to them within weeks – months.

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