Monday 18 November 2013

Life is, you interpret

Like to share this short article with you - it bears similarity in seeing the glass either half-full or half-empty.
The programing in us is also the worldview or window we see and interpret things in life. This is also like computer programing where rubbish-in, rubbish out. Hence, the need to let go and change the old programs that do not serve any highest good. Sometimes, we have to go through life "unlearning,"  meaning throw out the old and learn new things that are beneficial. Again this explains the need to keep an open mind! 
Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Life is, you interpret

Life just “is” and you get to choose how you experience and label it. You get to label life as “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong,” “desirable” or “deplorable.” Through the way you choose to interpret the simple facts of life, you get to create a happy or a sad experience of reality.

Most of your labels were programmed into you in early childhood. You can choose to change them. What if, for example, every time you spilled the milk, your parents said to you, “Oh how pretty! Look at all that white liquid running all over! I wonder if we can mop it up quickly! Here let us see who can clean this up faster! Ready, set, go!” What if every time you made a so-called mistake, those around you said, “Congratulations! You made a mistake! You have taken a risk! You are learning! We are so proud of you!” What if everytime someone was angry at you, those around said to you, “Oh I’m so sorry that this person is hurting so much that they had to take their anger out on you. Let us join our hands and hearts and pray that they feel better soon.” We offer these suggestions, dear ones, to help you see that most of your interpretations of life were given to you in childhood. Now, you as adults, get to choose whether or not they make you happy.
Next time something upsets you, ask yourself, “What are the facts of the situation? Can I choose an interpretation that makes me feel better? Can I choose to label this situation in such a way that it empowers me, rather than steals my God given right to feel love in this moment? Can I look at my normal conditioning and decide if that is what I want to keep... or would I rather create a different interpretation of reality?”

The sun rises every morning. You get to choose if that is a positive experience or not. “Oh look, that horrible blinding light is coming through my windows shining into my eye and waking me up,” or “Oh how beautiful that warm sun feels on my face, bringing life, awakening my spirit into this new day, a brand new chance to create a brand new reality.”
A loving interpretation of reality, dear ones, is the best interpretation of all.

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