Monday 25 May 2015

Joy to the World

Abundance and Joy

Let's say a man is addicted to alcohol and because of this addiction he committed a crime, would you be able to help him if you knew of his addiction before his act of crime. Many times we have friends who have bad habit or behaviors but because they are our friends we ignore or avoid talking to them about their habits and behaviors. What can you do? Will you do something about it? Write me and share your views about this.

Sometimes we come to know of a friend or relative that is suffering from a critical disease, how can we help them, or should we help them, and what to do to help them. Do we help every case we come across, if not how do make a decision as to help or not. There is freewill and destiny, if it is time for the person to leave this world, you may actually be causing the person more agony by trying to heal them. We should always check with our dowsing system to find out if we should get involved before proceeding to do anything for the person.

We should practice dowsing with care, and not unknowingly cause harm or damage because we forgot to just do a simple check. Energy can be change but if you change energy please be sure that it should be for the highest good, sometimes we become complacent and fail to see the consequences of our actions. Do not be too eager to help everyone, you will find that once you start helping everyone you come across, you will notice that all the people you meet have a problem for you to solve, this is a form of negative attraction. You may have good intentions, but be careful where your good intentions lead you to. You can help others but you need not tell them if you have permission from your dowsing system, you can just dowse for them without letting know. This will be good for both yourself and the people you help. You will at least have peace, do your part to help and not have your head in the clouds.

Clean up energy from you, your family and home together with the neighbors and the neighborhood, this will benefit everyone and make a safe neighborhood for everyone. With this simple action, you will benefit many people, and what you give, you will receive in return, soon you will find everyone in your neighborhood smiling at you, people will be friendlier to one another and you will experience more joy and happiness. (Scramble all non beneficial frequency affecting me, my family and my neighborhood and adjust these to the frequency of love, Thank you.)

We are all ONE, so help yourself by helping others, do this in a general way, like cleaning up the energy, removing negative thought forms, mass consciousness, Geo-pathic stress and Astrological influence for animals, people and places. I am sure you can find many more innovative ways to help, Happy Dowsing!
Thank you

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