Tuesday 19 May 2015

Mind your Language

Q: How to deal with imperfections around me?
Sri Sri: Leave a little room for imperfections. There are three levels of imperfections. One is on the physical level, second on the mental and third on the emotional. Body, thought and emotions. Then what happens, if you don’t accept a little imperfection on the physical level, you become more and more imperfect on the mental and emotional level. This acceptance of little bit of imperfection on the periphery allows us to be more patient and more calm. You at least maintain the inner perfection.

We create our own reality, by thoughts and by what we say to ourselves and to others, it is very important to listen to what you are saying, people sometimes curse themselves because they are not aware of the language they are using. When I was a teenager I begin all my sentences with foul language, looking back I now know why I had suffered many unwanted problems then. In later years I sometimes think about those times and laugh at myself, the reason for using foul language then was a fear of being thought as a good boy, back in those days being good boys, you are considered timid and you get bullied often. 

I still notice a small number of people of my age group still using foul language in there daily conversations, maybe they do not know that it is not good for them, or it has been ingrained into them that they could not change. Some of them feel a kind of bond with people who are like themselves, using the same language and coming from the same era, if you are one of them, please ask yourself is it really necessary to continue. We are constantly changing, and should strive to improve ourselves even when bonding with old friends remember the good stuff and drop the nonsense that might bring you harm.

Another issue that I got a strange feel about is hand-phones, this morning I had this quite intense ill- feeling that hand-phones are going to cause a major disaster in the coming months, so in case my feeling prove to be true, please ask you dowsing system to neutralize all ill effects of the hand phones upon you and your family.

Thank you

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