Sunday 13 January 2013


Affirmations are short sentences that we repeat to ourselves regularly to program ourselves with good qualities or behaviour that we want. Regular repetitions are necessary to install the affirmation into the subconscious mind. Affirmations should be short and simple so that it is easy to be repeated constantly, affirmations can help us change some of our bad behaviour by affirming the opposite of the bad behaviour, please use positive sentences in your affirmation and if possible affirm in the past tense as if you have already achieved your goal.
Here are a few you might try for yourself and observed the effects of affirmation for yourself.
'Everyday in Every way I am getting better and better.'
'I have a magnetic personality that attracts positive people to me.'
'Every time I spent money my income increases.'
'I am always safe.'
'I am always at the right time and place.'
Do any of the above affirmation over a short period of time and observe the changes these have on your life.
You can also write your own affirmations and try them out, it usually takes effect upon you faster if you have a positive mentality and belief system.
Thank you! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes For All!

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