Monday 7 January 2013

Energy Vortex

A vortex is a portal of energy, there many natural vortex scattered around the world. Imagine if you could harness the energy of one of these natural vortex to be place in your home or place of work and put good intents for yourself and family. Well you can just try it, 'please install the energy of the most appropriate vortex at the most appropriate energy level for the most appropriate length of time in my home that will radiate the energy of love and harmony.'
You can of course do some research on vortex and decide for yourself which vortex energy you want to install, in this case name the vortex in the dowsing command. Please remember to state that the appropriate energy level and length of time be install as some of these vortex have very high energy level that might not be suitable for you. Please always check first and ask if the process is reversible or not before deciding to proceed.
Usually a one time installation will clear all negativity in the place you install this energy for a long time, you can place good intentions and this too will last for a long time too.

Try this experiment out for yourself, have fun!

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes To All!

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