Tuesday 22 January 2013


In previous post I have written about baseline, there is a baseline for everything using dowsing we can check if our baseline is a 100%. There is a baseline for love, for our chakras, for finance well for most of the issues we have in life.
Using dowsing check for the present percentage of the baseline you suspect that is lacking, say your love baseline if it not 100% than change this by using the following.

'Please remove the emotions of the memories, thoughts and belief of me and my ancestors to the dawn of time, (counter clockwise swing) when the dowsing instrument stops say 'please take all these energies and transform them into the most appropriate energies that will enhance my love baseline.'(clockwise swing)

You can also do this for your chakra baseline energy and bring your chakra energy to the next level, after doing so you can combine this with the raising of consciousness. (refer to previous post)
I found this to be very useful to improve ourselves in many aspects of our life.

Thank you! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes for All!

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