Thursday 3 January 2013

Changing Energy for Health

Here are a few commands that might be helpful in improving your health.
For Food and Drinks
'Please neutralize all negative effects of the food and drinks upon me.'
For Medicine
'Please neutralize all negative effects of this medication upon me.'
This will usually remove the side effects of the drugs upon you.
For Allergies
'Please neutralize all negative effects of all allergies for me from any cause or reason, animals, plants, chemicals or environmental.
After neutralizing you can ask to raise the energy of the food or substance to the highest most appropriate level for your best good.
An experiment you can try is to neutralize the alcohol from beer or wine and actually taste the results.
'Please scramble the frequency of alcohol in this beer and adjust it to the frequency of pure water.'
The beer usually taste flat after doing so, have fun trying this out at a party!
Thank you! I Appreciate you!
Best Wishes For All!

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