Monday 1 July 2013


In the ancient Hawaiian Healing practice called Ho'oponopono (which means making it right), by taking full responsibility, asking for forgiveness and expressing deep gratitude, we create positive shifts in our lives and consciousness. This is a magical tool and those who used it from their hearts will agree that it works wonderfully well.
The key word here is taking Responsibility, meaning each one is fully responsible for himself or herself. In other words the Universal Law of Karma. Understanding this, we cannot blame others, as human nature has tendency of pointing fingers at others.
In taking responsibility, you have to start from your own self by healing yourself, forgiving yourself, respecting yourself and loving yourself. It is only after doing all these that you are able to give these to others. Taking a simple example, if you don't love yourself, how can you love others? - we are talking about unconditional love here.    
Therefore, it is very important to note that healing has to start from you first, and often this means clearing all the unwanted emotional baggage (from this and past lives), non-beneficial thought forms and belief patterns, releasing all that do not serve your highest and greatest good.
Then you will move on in life with higher spirits.

We must understand that we are here to evolve our own personal soul.
We do have soul contracts with others to help us heal, but we can not change others ~ we can only heal our self and perhaps be an example for others to follow.
Every thing in our life is there for us to experience so we can heal and evolve "OUR" soul.Yes, it is true the law of attraction, karma and our current energy patterns of thinking and behaving create our current reality, AND people are mirrors for "something" within our being that needs to be healed.
HOWEVER, if we are in an abusive, co-dependant relationship....WHY? What needs to be healed in your being? You would not be in your integrity, and in youralignment if you continue to allow abuse into your life.
Love your self enough to be honest with your relationships, have the courage to speak up for your self and set loving boundaries. Communicate with your soul mates. It is karmically binding to allow people to continue to mistreat us. People treat us the way we ALLOW them to treat us.....why would you allow others to continue to create karma for themselves and for you?
Stop the karmic dance.
Heal your self, forgive your self and then you will be able to forgive them and move forward in your evolution; regardless if they choose to heal or not. This is not about them.....this is about you and what is for your highest good.
Love your self, respect your self, heal your self, use your heart felt feelings of "discernment" and shift the direction of your energy so you will not attract negative relationships into your life anymore. The healing is all about YOU....say no with love, and move on.
If the relationship is meant to be, it will heal....if not it will dissolve ~ unless you choose to artificially sustain a toxic situation because you are attached, co-dependant or you are feeding off of the chaos and drama.
Unconditional love begins with loving the self.
What needs to be healed within your being so you can create the life of your dreams?
Attachment will weigh you down.
Releasing what no longer serves your highest good will help you ascend.
Do you want to learn through love or do you want to learn through pain ~ the choice is yours.
Take responsibility for your life and make the changes necessary to evolve not revolve. Set you and your karmic relationships FREE....learn "YOUR" lessons and move on. ~

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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