Sunday 7 July 2013

Sharing Another Article

Share this article from a friend with everyone, 

Dear One,
When asleep people do not know what is happening. Many humans are still sleeping because they do not know what is happening around them and behind the scenes.  
Do you know planet Earth would have been destroyed a few times? OR many of the natural disasters could have been worse?
Do you know that our Star Brothers/Sisters, Ascended Masters, Archangels, the ancient indigenous elders, light workers have all been working busily behind the scenes to help save our planet or soften the impact of the natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc.,?      
Amanda Ramirez said the Star Beings have so much love for earthlings because they have gone through similar experience on their planets and don't want to see the destruction of Earth, and therefore are helping us in every way - they are full of love and compassion for us.   
She shared that the Star Beings communicate via Telepathy and this is a Universal Language. People on Earth are already beginning to communicate telepathically and this skill is gradually being sharpened.
Extraterrestials refer to the ETs outside of Earth and Intraterrestrials refer to the Beings inside Earth. The energies in the core of the Earth is changing and as well as the magnetic field - this is also related to the ascension vibrations.
In this respect, it is important for humans to raise their vibrations / consciousness, as we have been often told. Generally, people will hold either higher or lower vibrations/frequencies, and how they are going to cope with the big shift or where they will go to will largely be determined by this.
It is interesting to note that Amanda also made reference to the THREE YEARS transition time after 2012 that was stated by the Mayan Elders and also echoed by Drunvalo Melchizedek.  
Pray you will view this video clip and your heart will resonate with it.    
Pleiadian Contactee in Colombia
Notes: Uploaded on Jun 27, 2011
Her name is Amanda Ramírez.: She has been in telepathic contact withextraterrestials and intraterrestrials. She has been in contact with beings from Ursa Mayor and also from Gemini. The beings from Gemini told her that they were from a planet that, like Earth, was on the verge of extinction, but they didn't tell her what they did to overcome this.
She's also in contact with the Pleiadians. She describes them as being 2.30 metres tall and wore white tight garments with white boots (a bit like Star Trek). She has been on board spaceships. The Pleiadians took her to a sort of hall of records where events on the Earth (past, present and future) are recorded. All these beings are following us closely and are very interested in what's happening on Earth, as it will affect them. She's been told that soon, in two or three years, things will start happening an changing on Earth, and that everything is in place for it to happen..
She says the Earth will enter a sort of magnetic? belt (that wasn't very clear, as there was a lot of background noise during the interview). In fact we apparently have already entered this first belt. She also has contact with beings that live inside the Earth, and they took her to see their government and their cities. She describes them as having beautiful gardens and the floors are of many colours. Also the water in their fountains is multicoloured.
Most dramatic thing she says is that during this time frame 3/4 of the Earth population will abandon the EarthThose more ascended and of higher vibration will be taken to a suitable place, and those of lower vibration will go to a different place, more dense and suitable to their lower level of evolution. She says that Jesus is already reincarnated, since the 90's, but that we probably will not see him as this time his figure will not be so public. Also says that some Ascended Masters are reincarnated at these difficult times.

Thank You! I Appreciate You
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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