Sunday 29 September 2013


I was reading a qigong book this morning, and it talked about will power coming from the kidneys, the same kidney qi also nourish the brain, it also mentioned that the soul lives in the liver(hun) and the corporeal self in the lungs. (po)

In my observations, there are two types of people with strong will power, one type with strong kidney qi and the other with weak kidney qi. How is this so, it is not right to think that if you have weak kidney qi, your will power will also be weak? We have to understand original qi to understand why this is so, original qi is the qi you are born with, it determines what is your level of qi in all your organs, it is the qi that is given to you through your mother in the womb. If your original qi is less in one of your organs, you might be born with certain birth defects, sometimes this can be corrected by medical science, but the weakness stays with you throughout your life.

After birth, you start breathing on your own, this brings in qi through the breath, and your body is maintained by qi obtained this way. Using breathing practice we can strengthen ourselves against any weakness we might have in our original qi. For those who have weak kidney qi, but seem to have strong will power, they are actually drawing qi from other organs to compensate their weak qi. After some time you will find that they show signs of this on their body. An example of this maybe they start to lose their hair, they feel that they don't remember things well, lost of sexual functions and other symptoms.

The body works on balance, any qi stronger in one organ will offset qi in other parts of the body, one prominent symptom of weak kidney qi is fear, this is manifested in who have weak kidney qi, and it spreads to all aspect of their life. Again we are talking about balance, kidney qi is considered a water element, so the body may try to compensate with metal element(lung qi), and if over a long time the body did not balance the lungs will start to become weak too. (asthma symptoms appear) The reverse is true, when an organ is too strong in qi, another organ gets hurt by the strong qi, an overpowering  liver may affect the lungs, stomach or even the kidneys, so balance is very important aspect for the body to function properly.

With the recent energy shifts, many times, our body easily goes off balance, so it is important to check if the 5 elements are balance in our body, check if our ying and yang are balance, and every organ is balance and in harmony with each other. For those wondering if spiritual practices are related to the health aspect of the body, the answer is a yes, without a body there is nothing to practice with.

If you have people who gives you problems, check if their organs are balance, sometimes correcting this balance is all it takes to make them 'nice' again.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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