Friday 13 September 2013

Raising Energy X Relaxation

Yesterday, in my weekly meeting, sparks started flying between my boss and our contractor, soon it escalatored almost into a quarrel. Normally in such situation, I would be busy neutralizing the energy and transforming them into beneficial energies, instead I raise the energy. I was expecting the bomb to explode, but strangely it did not, things started to cool down and we ended the meeting well.

We usually try to neutralize or balance non beneficial energies, but sometimes raising energies or life force will be enough to change the situation. Raymon Grace gave an example of how he installed the flower of life energy to a town and raise the energy of the town, and the next day someone from the town reported that everyone was nice to each other and they were smiling more to each other, and she suspected he had something to do with it.

There are many spiritual articles on the internet that encourage people to meditate more often, stating many benefits and raising of awareness. I have a view to share here, if you just started to meditate, start with simply observing your breath, to relax yourself, over time you will be able to go deeper, whatever method you use will eventually bring you into a relax state of mind. Make this your aim, to relax, do not read too much about achieving enlightenment or getting extrasensory perception and trying too hard to get them.
These should not be the aim in the early stages of meditation, it will usually lead you into 'yogi maya', a state of illusion. Make it simple, just sit with eyes closed for 15- 20 minutes a day observing your breath, with some good music in the background and relax. You may want to do your visualization too.

Just like you car engine, your mind needs some tuning everyday, find some time to tune your mind, many people tell me that they do not have time, well we all have the same 24 hour day, if you think that your mental health is not important enough for you to spare 20 minutes, go visit a mental home. You will find many busy people there, people who had great careers, lose their mind because they did not take good care of it.

The energy shifts are coming down on us in a very strong manner, notice the changes taking place around you, at the office, in the neighborhood, and around the world. Regular periods of relaxation during your day will help you to stay 'cool' in the months to come.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

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