Friday 6 September 2013

The Lotus

The lotus is an aquatic perennial plant. It is also called Sacred Lotus and Indian Lotus.

The lotus is considered divine and one of nature's mystical creations,
 that represents the purity of the mind and soul.
In Buddhism and Hinduism, lotus is the embodiment of perfection.
It defines the capacity of the soul to expand
and embrace the beauty of life with a clear conscience.
The lotus flower sheds its seeds and blooms at the same time.
In Buddhism, it is said to represent the principle of cause and effect,
wherein every action or thought is believed to cause an effect or reaction,
that can be experienced either in this life or in the future lives.
This magnificent flower emerges from the dirty and unclean bottom of a pond,
but still remains untouched and unstained by the dirt and mud surrounding it in the pond.
This unique quality of the flower is believed to represent
pure spirit, rebirth, beauty, fertility, transcendence, and resurrection.
The lotus flower forms the principles of the Eightfold Path,
one of the highest teachings of the Buddha.
It is the symbol of purity, faithfulness, and spiritual awakening.
The flower lifts itself above the muddy water, which represents
the act of rising above all desires and attachments
 - the key to achieving spiritual enlightenment.
Though the flower has its root in the mud, it grows upward in the direction of light,
which represents the aspiration to rise above and move towards the light.
In other words, it represents the journey from darkness
 (represented by the muddy pond) to the light of knowledge or wisdom.
A Buddhist Mantra describes the lotus saying,
Om Mani Padme Hum, which means Hail, the jewel in the lotus!

The different colors of the lotus have spiritual and religious symbolism in Buddhism.
The pink lotus is the supreme lotus, which denotes
 the highest enlightenment and is associated with Buddha;
the blue lotus is said to symbolize wisdom;
white lotus stands for spiritual perfection,
and the red one symbolizes the heart.
According to a myth the Buddha appeared miraculously from a lotus.
It is said that a lotus flower appeared at every place the Buddha placed his foot.
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Always Better and Better.

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