Thursday 19 September 2013

Raising Your Range of Abundance

This morning while I was having a coffee break, I was pondering about a friend who is caught up with a case of idol worship. He could not break away from the shadows of his hero, and this makes it hard for him to see some issues about himself. This lead me to think that we should always check a person up using dowsing even if this person is someone we have great respect for. After all we are humans and humans are fallible to temptations no matter how good one is.

I ask my dowsing system if people reading my blog 'check me out' and I got a 'yes', for this I am very happy as I do not want to be complacent with myself. I constantly check myself to make sure that I do not accidentally do harm to anyone.

Do not take what you read to be true always, a check with the pendulum is all it takes to discern truth from fiction. Not all the information on my blog comes from me, I share what I think are good information to my best knowledge, this may not always true for everyone. Looking on the other side someone may use all this information to take advantage of others in their life, but that's their karma not mine.

Another thing that comes to my mind is like attracts like, and who you associate with regularly is a reflection of what you are now. You can't keep company with bad people and think that you are a saint, their vibrations will eventually erode whatever goodness you have. My friend's hero has been so caught up promoting a new product to point that greed has taken over him, and of course you can expect to find greed present in my friend too.

Don't take my word for it, check it out with dowsing, the product was launch about a few months ago, so just ask the dowsing system to go back in time to before the product was launch and check the greed level of my friend and his hero, then check their greed level now. If you decided to check please give me your feedback, I appreciate it.

One more thing I like to share, ask to check what is the range of your spending capability, this is what I mean 'Is my spending range between 1 cent and a thousand dollars?' if you get a 'yes' then ask the next increase 'Is my spending range between 1 cent and ten thousand dollars?' if you get a 'yes' again ask for the next higher amount till you come to a 'no' answer.

If you are happy with the range when you get to the 'no' response, it means you are happy with what you are having now in terms of money.

If not, then ask, if this range can be increased, if you get a 'yes' then ask to increase it to the range that you are comfortable with. Do not get greedy and ask for a huge number, in the case here it has to be something your sub-conscious mind can accept first, you can later increase the range when you have achieved your first requested amount.

I hope the above will prove useful to all.

Thank You! I Appreciate You!
Best Wishes to All.
Always Better and Better.

Photo: The Mind Unleashed

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